Minggu, 24 Februari 2013

Penggunaan Frasa Transisional

Kata dan frasa transisional memunculkan koherensi pada essai anda. Kita membutuhkannya untuk menggabungkan kalimat dan pemikiran. Perhatikan daftar berikut. Yang tertera di bawah ini merupakan frasa transisional yang bisa anda hafalkan dan simpan dalam gudang kata anda untuk menghadapi modul IELTS Writing.

PROS: also, plus, in addition, further, furthermore, moreover, additionally, to add to that, next, in accordance with, accordingly, in agreement, finally, for instance, for example, in exemplification, exemplifying that, in fact, factually speaking, in terms of, and so forth, looking at the nexus between, in coordination with, along those lines, collectively speaking, generally speaking, indeed, undoubtedly, obviously, to be sure.

CONS: however, contrastingly, in contrast, on the contrary, on the other hand, To put it into perspective, from a different angle, nonetheless, nevertheless, but, yet, a catch to this is, sadly enough, as a hindrance, looking at the holdups, oddly enough, instead, in direct opposition, still, and rather.

CONCLUSION: as a result, as a consequence, consequently, thus, therefore, hence, thereby, resulting in, ultimately, in the end, finally, in the overall analysis, in hindsight, in retrospect, retrospectively, vicariously, the long term effect, as a short term result, significantly, as a major effect, effectively, heretofore, hereafter, thereafter, in short, generally, over all, concluding.

Catatan Penting: Jika Anda yang selama ini menganggap frasa transisi hanya digunakan pada essay saja, berarti anda keliru. Frasa-frasa ini sangat membantu anda dalam menyelesaikan soal-soal yang terdapat pada sesi reading. Anda mampu menjawab 70 %  sesi reading module jika paham betul bagaimana posisi frase transisi ini dalam bacaan, dan tidak hanya itu, menggunakan transisi ketika berbicara memudahkan examiner memahami ide-ide anda.