Jika anda dikatakan 'pumped up', artinya anda bersemangat dan penuh percaya diri.
- The atmosphere when you walk into the Olympic Stadium, it's like drinking 10 cups of coffee, it pumps you up so much.
- England were so pumped up before the game they destroyed the opposition before the whistle was even blown.
- I'm feeling pumped up before this interview. I just know I'm going to get the job.
lain yang terlihat mirip adalah 'to pump iron', yang berarti mengangkat
beban yang berat, biasanya di lakukan di pusat kebugaran (gym), untuk
memperbesar otot lengan.
- After a stressful day at the office, half an hour of pumping iron at the gym really relaxes me.
- I want to get fit but the idea of pumping iron in a room full of sweaty men is really unappealing.
Fakta menarik!
orang diperkirakan akan mengikuti ritual mandi bersama di sungai Ganges
dan Yamuna pada festival Kumbh Mela di India yang berlangsung sebulan
penuh. Festival ini akan berlangsung pada bulan Januari 2013.
Ref. www.bbc.co.uk