Minggu, 10 Maret 2013

IELTS Speaking Test - Speaking Fluently

See how important fluency is in IELTS Speaking Test - Speaking Scoring Indicators (Scoring The Independent Speaking Response). So here we will learn to speak fluently.

Fluency is speaking with a natural pace without hesitating too much. But fluency doesnt means speaking quickly. Sometimes speaking too fast can make it harder to be understood. In speaking fluently, we should learn how to speak smoothly and continuously. One thing that commonly people how people seems doesn't speak fluently is in the way they use "filler". For example listen to the video below.

You should see that the woman in the video said some words such as: 'um', 'like', 'well', 'you know', 'i guess'. These words are called "fillers". Using fillers is acceptable in speaking, but becareful not too over use them. Fillers are used by speaker for some reasons.

-give us time to think of what to say next
In speaking test, you should use fillers to think 'what' to say next NOT 'how' to say it in English.
writer's notes: The examiner will noticed whether you are still thinking what's next or you have an answer but you couldn't speak it out because your lack of English.
-give us time to think of reason
Fillers such as 'and' and 'because' are commonly said when we explain more than one reasons in a discussion.
-sharing knowledge
Its common when you tell some information to people with filler such as 'you know, ...'. It could mean "you must be know about".

The other thing that support your fluency is confident. Confident can make it easy to maintain fluency so you may not speak a perfectly correct English but at least it is acceptable and easy to be understood. This is the other example of show how to speak confidently.
A man talks about his violin.

You should record your speech for 2-3 minutes and check whether you have spoken at natural pace or just too slowly/ quickly. Only by practicing you can improve your fluency.
writer's notes: One way to practice your fluency is to listen to native speakers in a variety of situations such as on movie DVD. Make sure you use english subtitle and listen to it. Match the voice with the subtitle texts, then try to imitate the speaker's pronunciation, intonation and fluency
source: AUSTRALIA NETWORK http://australianetwork.com/studyenglish/