Minggu, 10 Maret 2013

Grading Criteria in Speaking IELTS

When we talk, sometimes, we do not apply effective and efficient factors. In some opportunities, we only speak without having a clear idea. We just talk! But you may not apply it in IELTS’ speaking section. In this context, you have to be able to grab the examiner’s attention that you are deserved to get a good score in speaking section because you have fulfilled the criteria of it well.

There are four criteria in this section. They are:
1. Fluency and coherence
Fluency itself is a combination of speed of speech, length of answer, and correct pause. Meanwhile, coherence covers the ability to expand your answer, answer the questions directly, add relevant detail to explain or illustrate your answers, and connect your sentences by using tenses and connectors.

2. Pronunciation
What should he highlighted from this point is that you use clear pronunciation so that it is easy to understand by others. Some points of a good pronunciation include basic word pronunciation, linked speech sound, correct sentence stress, and correct use of intonation. You should have the ability to differentiate the use of falling and raising intonation.

3. Lexical resource
Lexical resource here is the vocabulary that you use when you speak. Make sure that you have enough vocabulary to discuss various topics of conversation. You should also use the vocabulary accurately. You need to match the use of vocabulary with the related field of study. Then, make sure that you are able to explain yourself when you don’t have the right word. You should get the ability to explain what you want to say in your own words.

4. Grammatical range and accuracy
In this point, you should be careful with the use of wrong grammar. Pay attention on the use of tense when you speak. Besides, try to avoid the use of very simple sentences all the time. You can combine it with some other advanced forms of statements to make your speech rich.
Reference: http://www.dcielts.com/ielts-speaking/band-scores-explained-2/