Senin, 22 Februari 2010

“Multiple Choice” in Reading IELTS

“Multiple choice” is one form of question that test taker deals with in reading IELTS. The picture above shows that there are three numbers given in this form of question. The number of question given in this form is not always the same. The number of question could be only two or even up to six. There are many test takers who argue that this kind of question is easier than other kinds of question because test taker has been familiar with this kind of question. However, it should be highlighted that there are four options given for each question. So, compared to true/ false/ not given question, “multiple choice” has more option. It means that this kind of question could be harder to answer.

Picture of "Multiple Choice" Form of Question

To answer all questions in this section, test taker has to show his or her ability to understand the passage. As an initial action, test taker could look at the questions first to see what topics that he or she needs to look for. Test taker should be aware as well about the synonym of words that he or she needs to look for.

As other kinds of questions in reading section, this section also requires skimming skill of test taker to identify the right paragraph to read. The same as in True/ False/ Not Given, questions in this section also go in order. So, question two will come between one and three.

Test taker also needs to read the paragraph carefully then re-read the question. Test taker could omit some options that might not be suitable as the answer. This step will help test taker to determine the answer as fewer options provided. Then, he or she needs ton check again his or her answer to minimize the mistakes that test taker might make.

Besides, test taker could also underline the words in the text that give answer for him or her. It is effective to do especially when test taker deal with more than five questions in this section. More question force test taker to remember more points as well. So, instead of memorizing too much, test taker could take this alternative.
