Kamis, 02 Agustus 2018

IELTS Ideas: New things | Follow-up

Hari ketiga mengajar di Program IELTS Masterclass C2 Band 7+ English Studio Kampung Inggris Pare untuk periode 25 Juli - 10 Agustus 2018. 

Awalnya saya tidak kepikiran untuk memposting hasil pencarian ide untuk IELTS speaking feedback di English Studio ini. Ingin berbagi adalah alasan utama saya kenapa akhirtnya saya pun memposting ini. Alasan kedua adalah supaya saya punya arsip materi. Hitung-hitung kalau besok dibutuhkan, tinggal ambil aja di blog ini, tanpa perlu bongkar-bongkar ini laptop :D

New things

Is it good for people to try new things?
Trying new things is good for people because it:
  • allows people to expand their minds and learn
  • helps people vanquish their fears
  • helps people retain positive emotions and minimize negative ones
  • makes people feel like they are high in the sky
  • has  a positive impact on people’s personal growth and health
  • keeps people inspired and motivated
  • gives people a fresh perspective and gets them excited
  • gives people’s soul a boost
  • broadens people’s horizons
  • feeds people’s creativity
  • boosts people’s creativity
  •  increases people’s confidence
  • helps people break out of a rut
  • helps people see value around them
  • lets people gain knowledge
  • might people discover unknown talents
  • lets people learn more about themselves

Why are some people afraid of trying new things?
  • are afraid to be outside their comfort zone
  • are afraid to fail
  • worry that the action will result in immediate pain or discomfort
  • are worried that the action will produce an intolerable immediate outcome
  • are afraid of physical or material harm
  • are afraid of changes
  • have an instinctive fear of the unknown
  • feel insecure in the face of the unknown
  • are afraid to lose something they already have
  • don’t know what it’s like
  • any changes cause stress

What help do people need when they are trying to new things?
They need
  •  trust in their ability to pull through
  • simple tips and techniques to effectively manage change-related stress
  • expert guidance
  • psychological support
  • praise even for little accomplishments

What for
  • to help them see gains from trying something new
  • to help them feel safe and secure
  • to help them deal with various feelings like threat anxiety, relief
  • to help them to overcome their fears

What are some of the difficulties a person might have when they try something new?
  • When trying something new a person might:
  •  become bored
  • make mistakes
  •  fail to do it
  • harm themselves in some way
  • get hurt
  • lose their confidence because it was not as good as they thought it would be

Do you think it’s better to have new experiences when you are young or when you are older?
It’s better to have new experiences when you are young because older people:
  • often make the conscious decision to stop learning even though they may not realize it
  • have come to believe that they are too old to learn something new
  •  no longer need to master new skills to survive
  • get tired of learning
  • feel they have already had all experiences they need
  •  have physical changes such as reduced visions and hearing ability which in turn have an effect on their ability to learn and master new skills.
  •  Need more time to learn new things