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Tampilkan postingan dengan label reading. Tampilkan semua postingan

Minggu, 22 Februari 2015

Fast Reading Techniques for IELTS

Having an effective reading and notetaking strategy is important in IELTS reading test. Time spent thinking and planning can save unnecessary work. There are some tips you should learn in reading English text:

  • Take notes, add margin comments or highlight sections.
  • Pay attention to the structure of a text to help you to understand the writer's purpose and argument. Take notice of headings and sub-headings, of opening and closing paragraphs and of other signposts the writer has provided.
  • Try to understand what you are reading, rather than simply memorizing what you have read. Consider whether you agree with the content and think about how it compares to any other reading you've done on the same topic. This effort to understand is itself an aid to memorizing.
  • As you work through module activities, jot down a record of your work. You'll then avoid the need to work through these activities a second time for assignment questions and revision.

In practices, read some different topics of texts, then keep a dictionary or your module glossary to hand and look up any terms you don't understand. Accept that sometimes you need to re-read in order to check your understanding, reconsider particular points of interest and to add to your notes. Even though in real test, there's no one will help you to understand the text or the questions, still in exercises you can ask your friends before you take the test. Discuss many different topics and learn something new.

Senin, 24 November 2014

IELTS Reading Task: Short Answer Question

There are three types of short answer questions in the IELTS reading:
Type 1. Questions.
Type 2. Lists.
These questions will usually tell you to write your answer in no more than three words. So you can answer with one word, two words or three words but no more. However, this is not always the case, so check the rubric carefully.

For these questions, like the multiple choice questions, you have to apply both skimming and scanning techniques. Also note that the answer should not require a hyphenated word (e.g. non-smoker) or contraction (e.g. They’ve).

If the answer requires a number, you can write a numeral number (e.g. 6) or a word (e.g. six) or a combination of a numeral and a word (e.g. 6 million).

Try this examples below.

How to do the short answer questions:
-          Read the instructions carefully and check how many letters you need to circle.
-          Skim all the questions quickly. As you do this,
o   Underline the keywords.
o   Try to get information you need to find in the next.
o   Look out for question words like ‘where’ and ‘who’ which indicate you should listen for specific things like places and people.
-          Go back to the first question. Decide what part of the text you need to read.
-          Read the part carefully to find the answer.
-          Use your own words. You don’t have to write a complete sentence but it does have to be grammatically correct.
-          Remember:
o   If you don’t know the meaning of any of the words in the questions, look at the other questions. They might have some associated vocab in them to help you guess the meaning.
o   The answer could be one word, two words or three word but not four or more.
o   If you think you need more than three words your answer is probably incorrect.

Reference: How to Prepare for IELTS Writing. City University of Hongkong: English Language Center.

Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014

Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

Speed Reading IELTS

IELTS Kampung Inggris Pare

Beberapa tahun yang lalu, saya mengikuti pelatihan SPEED-READING IELTS yang diadakan oleh sebuah lembaga asing. Di dalam pelatihan tersebut saya diajarkan cara yang sangat luar biasa melakukan SPEED-READING untuk meningkatkan konsentrasi saya. Pengetahuan itu saya bagikan ke Anda dalam tulisan ini.

Minggu, 27 April 2014

Unfamiliar Vocabulary in Reading IELTS

It is more than likely for you to deal with some unfamiliar vocabularies. Being panic for sure is not the best solution to have. Instead, you can practice on the following strategies to solve your vocabulary problem.

Check the content
You should check at the surrounding words of the difficult vocabulary. You can have a look at the words just before and after the unfamiliar vocabulary. Those words will help you to guess the meaning correctly, based on the context.

Look for a definition
For some cases, the writer realizes that the word that he or she uses might be very uncommon. Therefore, they usually simply translate the meaning of that word by using easier to understand unfamiliar vocabulary.

Identify the word’s place and purpose
Understanding whether a word is a noun, adjective, a verb or an adverb in a sentence is very essential skill to own. It will also help in understanding the meaning of the word.

Look for connective words
Connective words usually located near the unfamiliar vocabulary. That is why it can be used to help in identifying the general direction of the argument. There are four kinds of common connective words, including addition, sequence in order, consequence, and contrast/ comparison.

Break the word down into syllable
You can also get help to identify the meaning of the word by knowing pretty well on the common roots, affixes and possible similarity in your own language.

Treat the unknown word as an algebraic entity ‘X’
You can make use the relationship among the unfamiliar vocabulary, ‘X’, and the concept that you are familiar with.  You can use this way to help you answering questions that are related to ‘X’

Source: IELTS to Success Preparation Tips and Practice Test by Eric van Bemmel and Janina Tucker (Melbourne: 1997)

Differentiating T/F/NG in Reading IELTS

Always remember that in T/F/NG section, test taker’s ability to find particular information from the reading passage will be assessed. It does not mean that as a test taker, you have to memorize the passage in detail to discern whether the answer is T (True), F (False), or NG (Not Given).

You can use the following guideline to help you determine the correct answer. Read carefully to find the differences.

  1. You should pick ‘false’ as the answer when the question states an information or statement that is on the contrary to what is mentioned in the passage. You need to make sure that the argument is in contrast. You can simply draw a line on the sentence in the passage to make sure that you don’t miss any important point.
  2. You need to answer ‘not given’ when you cannot find the information or statement mentioned in the passage. In this context, you cannot say it is true and false. It is just a condition where you cannot find any supporting argument to support ‘true’ or ‘false’ as the answer.
  3. You can choose ‘true’ as your answer when you find that the information or statement is explicitly mentioned in the passage. You need to be aware because sometimes, the words are not exactly the same but they are same in meaning.

It should be highlighted as well that you should understand that you should not use your prior knowledge to help you answering questions in this section. Every answer that you have should be referred to the passage.

One of the ways to referred back the statement to the reading passage is by scanning and marking. Scanning is important to do remembering that you will get only a short time to read the passage. Marking should not be forgotten as it can give some easiness, especially in verifying our answers.

Source: http://tips-4-ielts.blogspot.com/2011/04/identifying-information-ielts-reading.html

Predicting what is in the passage of reading IELTS

The problem that most of test taker deal with in reading IELTS comes from fear that they have even before they start reading the whole passage. Reading IELTS will be academic text which is sometimes not really familiar for test takers. In this case, you need to remember that being panic does not give you anything. Now, let us learn on how to predict what is the passage in the reading section is about.

Reading passages are only text. They have some items in every passage such as titles, paragraph headings, sub-headings, italicized or bold type, pictures, diagram and other visual information, and tables and charts. You can use these items to have ‘smart guessing’ on what kind of information that the passage is going to give. For example, when you see a picture, you can ask yourself some questions such as:

  1. What is happening?
  2. Who is doing it?
  3. Where is it taking place?
  4. Why is it being done?
  5. What is needed to do it?
  6. What other things do I know about this?

You can try to ask such kind of questions to help you get the prediction. You will be more confident in answering questions and finding the information in the passage because you are using your prior knowledge to help you. Actually, that is the thing we do every day every time we read something. However, it should be noted that for answering the section of T/F/NG, you need to be very careful because may take a wrong answer when you merely use your prior knowledge. Remember that prior knowledge should only be a kind of help for you to predict what is the passage is about. Still, you need to check the answer from the reading passage.

As your daily exercise, you can try to read English newspaper. You can write some questions about a newspaper article after looking at the headings and pictures. Then, find out whether you can find the answer in the passage.

Source: http://www.ieltstips.com/reading_strategies_pdfs/how_can_i_predict_what_the_passage_is_about.pdf

IELTS Reading (Serie 2)

Talking about understanding instruction in IELTS reading section, you need to recognize some important things in this section. Those important things cover the following items.
  • What type of question you have to answer (gap-filling, multiple choice, matching information, etc)
  • Whether or not the question requires a specific or general answer.
  • What form the answer should take (is it in form of number, date, etc)

Besides, you need to master well on how to scan the text for specific answer. The important point from scanning application is the use of time efficiently. You should not spend more than one minute to find each answer. You need to look in the given passage, table, diagram or graph for the answer required. Then, locate keywords in the question and find them. Sometimes, you need to look for its synonym in the text. The sentences around these words are most likely to contain the answer that you need.

If you have some unsure answers, make sure that you give mark on it so that you could go back to those questions later after finishing all questions in that section.

Next skill to master is checking your answers. You should make sure that you leave no blank answer as you will not lose any mark even if you make some incorrect answers. Instead, you could go back to the questions that you consider as difficult ones. In checking the answers, you must keep holding on the instruction given. You should be careful to avoid a simple mistake in answering the questions. In order to help you get the ability to complete this skill, you should also know how to work out with unfamiliar vocabulary and master some common connective words. If you know well about connective words, you will get a big help to understand the general meaning of the text.

Source: IELTS to Success Preparation Tips and Practice Test by Eric van Bemmel and Janina Tucker (Melbourne: 1997)

IELTS Reading (Serie 1)

Most of students deal with difficulty in finishing the reading section on time. They feel that they have not enough time to complete the test. It happened because they have no sufficient skill to have effective and efficient reading activity. In IELTS reading section, there are four main skills that you need to master for smoothing your flow to complete this section.

The first skill is previewing. You can do some actions which are initiated by studying the passage from its title, heading, illustration, diagram, and any print in bold type or italics. Then, you can study key parts of the passage by skimming. You can start by read the first paragraph as usually it focuses on the main idea. Generally, the first sentence for each paragraph expresses the key points of the paragraph, while the concluding paragraph provides a summary of the passage. To make it easier for you, you could use a pen to highlight these ideas.

The second skill you need to master is interpreting the instructions and questions. It is important for you to read the instruction carefully to make sure that you are fully understand on what is required and in what form. It might seem ‘small’ but very determining to your score. Have a look at the following instruction.

Using no more than three words for each, identify TWO types of women that regularly experience discrimination when seeking private rental accommodation. Write the names of one group in boxes 6 and 7 on your answer sheet.

From the above example, you need to understand that using four or more words will not be acceptable. In some cases, many students know the right answer for the question. However, they make a mistake in picking the right for to express his or her answer. That makes them lose chance to add the score. So, it is true that understanding what is required is as important as finding right answer from the passage.

Source: IELTS to Success Preparation Tips and Practice Test by Eric van Bemmel and Janina Tucker (Melbourne: 1997)

Sabtu, 26 April 2014

Cara membaca Cepat dan Lebih Baik

Sebelumnya sudah dibahas tentang cara membaca cepat dan lebih baik dengan teknik meusatkan perhatian. Berikut teknik lain yang bisa anda coba.

Berhenti berbicara pada diri sendiri saat anda sedang membaca. Seseorang berbicara pada dirinya dalam 2 cara, yaitu:

  • Memvokalisasi, yaitu pergerakan bibir yang nyata saat anda membaca, dan
  • Subvokalisasi, yaitu berbicara pada diri sendiri dalam kepala anda sambil membaca dalam hati.

Keduanya bisa memperlambat anda tiba pada poin yang harus anda temukan sehingga anda tidak dapat membaca dengan lebih cepat ketimbang saat anda berbicara. Pidato adalah kegiatan yang relatif perlahan; bagi kebanyakan, kecepatan rata-rata berbicaranya adalah sekitar 250 kpm (kata per menit).

Membaca seharusnya menjadi suatu kegiatan yang hanya melibatkan mata dan otak. Vokalisasi mengaitkan membaca dengan berbicara langsung. Cobalah untuk memikirkan kegiatan membaca seperti saat anda sedang melihat suatu pemandangan, suatu panorama ide, ketimbang melihat bebatuan di bawah kaki anda.

Anda juga bisa membaca dalam kelompok pikiran. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa saat kita membaca, mata kita harus berhenti sesaat di sepanjang baris. Pembaca yang buruk banyak melakukannya, lebih banyak hentian mata ketimbang pembaca yang baik. Hal ini tak hanya bisa memperlambat anda, tetapi juga menghalangi pemahaman karena makna lebih mudah diambil perkelompok kata ketimbang dari kata per kata atau bahkan huruf per huruf. Cobalah untuk membaca dalam frasa yang terdiri dari tiga atau empat kata. Terutama dalam klausa lengkap dan frasa preposisi. Pikiran anda bisa menginternalisasinya seolah frasa tersebut adalah satu kata yang memiliki makna besar.

Jangan terus membaca frasa yang sama. Pembaca yang buruk mempunyai kebiasaan membaca dan membaca ulang frasa yang sama lagi dan lagi. Kebiasaan membuat regresi waktu membaca dobel atau tripel ini dan seringkali tidak menghasilkan pemahaman yang lebih baik. Membaca dengan kehati-hatian dan peenuh perhatian tak akan cukup untuk benar-benar memahami, tetapi seringkali lebih efektif ketimbang regresi konstan di tengah bacaan. Sangatlah disarankan untuk memberikan perhatian lebih saat bacaan pertama. Lakukan pratinjau dulu sebelum membaca dengan teliti dan anda akan mengingat dengan lebih baik tanpa harus membaca ulang.

Terakhir, ada baiknya anda memvariasikan laju membaca anda untuk menyesuaikan kesulitan dan jenis teks. Pembaca yang buruk selalu membaca dengan laju yang sama perlahannya. Sedangkan seorang pembaca yang efisien mempercepat lajunya pada materi yang mudah dan memperlambat pada materi yang sulit. Beberapa hal tak akan bermakna jika dibaca terlalu cepat. Materi resmi dan teks yang sangat sulit sebaiknya dibaca perlahan. Materi yang lebih mudah dan majalah dan koran dapat dibaca dengan cepat. Puisi dan drama dibuat untuk ditampilkan, dan jika tidak diperagakan, maka setidaknya, dibaca lantang secara lisan. Hal ini tentu akan bertentangan dengan kecepatan metode membaca yang baik yang melarang vokalisasi. Tulisan religious dan kitab suci sesungguhnya ditulis untuk dibacakan dan didengarkan pada audiens yang tak hanya pintar tetapi juga mereka yang buta huruf. Yang menarik dari puisi, drama, atau doa tidaklah benar-benar anda alami jika anda “membaca cepat” teksnya.

Kamis, 20 Maret 2014

IELTS coaching How to find appropriate TITLE/HEADING

This is one of the possible approaches.
Theory: most repeated keyword or meaning for heading/title.

Tourism is a leisure activity which presupposes its opposite namely regulated and organised work It is one manifestation of how work and leisure are organised as separate and regulated spheres of social practice in modern societies Indeed acting as a tourist is one of the defining characteristics of being modern’ and the popular concept of tourism is that it is organised within particular places and occurs for regularised periods of time Tourist relationships arise from a movement of people to and their stay in various destinations This necessarily involves some movement that is the journey and a period of stay in a new place or places The journey and the stay are by definition outside the normal places of residence and work and are of a short term and temporary nature and there is a clear intention to return“home within a relatively short period of time\


i The politics of tourism
ii The cost of tourism
iii Justifying the study of tourism
iv Tourism contrasted with travel
v The essence of modern tourism
vi Tourism versus leisure
vii The artificiality of modern tourism
viii The role of modern tour guides
ix Creating an alternative to the everyday experience

key words of the given paragraph:
namely,manifestation,separate and regulated practice,modern,indeed,defining charecteristic,modern,popular concept,tourism ,particular, necessarily, journey journey ,definition,clear intention.

Now organize these key words in an order.
order1:namely,define/defining characteristic,particular,necessarily,clear intention,indeed
order3:separate and regulate

OK this is just to organize keywords in an order so that one can get answer quickly.

i The politics of tourism
ii The cost of tourism
iii Justifying the study of tourism
iv Tourism contrasted with travel
v The essence of modern tourism
vi Tourism versus leisure
vii The artificiality of modern tourism
viii The role of modern tour guides
ix Creating an alternative to the everyday experience

These are the given titles and we have to choose one out of it.
1. politics of tourism= the keywords never mentions about politics so it can't be the answer
2.cost of tourism=not mentioned anywhere about cost though tourism mentioned.so avoid it
3.justifying the study of tourism= no mention about justify or its synonyms
4tourism contrasted with travel. though tourism and travel mentioned there but it aint contrasting or no keyword match for contrast.
5.the essence of modern tourism------> this is the answer why? essence means basic,must,backbone,necessary or see the order1,you will see the matching keywords/meaning.lets try the other threads then
6.tourism versus leisure.though tourism and leisure is there ,versus aka compared(similar) or against isn't there.It says tourism is a leisure activity instead so it is a definition.So it doesn't match either.
7artificiality isn't there as a keyword or its meaning.so it can't be the answer.
8the role of modern tour guides. very simple because it never mentions about either any roles or guides so it cant be.
9 same here no keyword matching ----> creating? alternative? everyday??? experience????

So the answer is 5th that is THE ESSENCE OF MODERN TOURISM. you cant see the title words either with the first line or with the last lines but the answer keywords should be repeated in the paragraph.

Essence is repeated as you see---->namely,define/defining characteristic,particular,necessarily,clear intention,indeed,popular,characteristic

char·ac·ter·is·tic meaning:(dictionary.com)
man·i·fest: readily perceived by the eye or the understanding; evident; obvious; apparent; plain
so these words are all supporting the title word ESSENSE

"MODERN" has been repeated 2 times as you can see.so the repeated keyword
tourism also repeated minimum 2 times and also writer used tourism by a pronoun "IT"(i reckon more than 2 ,IT has been used)

Therefore, the answer is THE ESSENCE OF MODERN TOURISM

To do IELTS test one needs techniques not just English.I have plenty of techniques to enhance any student's current score as quick as possible.This is just a gratuitous offer from me for a candidate to understand what is IELTS.So don't keep on trying with your luck because $320 for each sitting is not very cheap. Please don't blame me if you can't get answers for other questions since this is only an approach to get answer.Having been said, there are many possible approaches ( these I will teach you in my class sessions).It is often true that just relying on your level of English will never help you in IELTS because IELTS skills are beyond the scope of ENGLISH as a language.So as to say, learn techniques and logic.

What if I can help you to increase your score?A score of 7 isn't a big deal if you have some strategies as I mentioned above.Then, contact me ( don't judge a book by it's cover)

Retrieved from: 

Rabu, 19 Maret 2014


A detailed case study:
In 1990, smoking caused more than 84,000 deaths, mainly resulting from such problems as pneumonia, bronchitis and influenza. Smoking, it is believed, is responsible for 30 per cent of all deaths from cancer and clearly represents the most important preventable cause of cancer in countries like the United States today.
30% of deaths in USA are caused by smoke related diseases (True/False/Not given)

This is a contradiction. Why? The question says "30% of death in USA .When you compare the meaning of question to the text you get------>
30% of all deaths in the USA, are caused by cancer because (=responsible) of smoking (text-side) (30% deaths from(because of)cancer and the reason for cancer is smoking).This is the meaning of the text so don’t get confused, read carefully.
30% of deaths in the USA are caused by smoke related diseases (question)

Eliminate the same meaning from both sides. USA=USA, 30%=30%, caused= caused, smoke =smoking. After eliminating the same words or meanings, you will get some reminders (left over) such as "cancer deaths, deaths and related diseases". Compare these carefully.

cancer deaths(text) versus deaths(question) ---> death means total deaths because of any reasons or unknown reasons(general) in USA where as cancer death means death because of cancer. This is a contradiction because the context of text mentions "deaths from cancer is because of smoking" which will not match and disagrees with the meaning of deaths (all deaths in the USA).Text never says that smoking is the reason for 30% deaths in USA but it says cancer is the reason of 30% death and reason for cancer is smoking. 
Reason for death (30%) = cancer (text)
Reason for death (30%) = smoking related diseases(question)
This is a false statement which contradicts the truth. If the sentence in the text (by meaning wise) has been changed or deviated then it is FALSE. This can be seen here when they changed “cancer into smoking related diseases”. Therefore, the answer is FALSE.

Besides, note "related diseases" as well. The text clearly says “cause is cancer”( all death from cancer). Cancer is singular so the plural "diseases" will not match but disagrees/contradicts. So again, this is FALSE. You may see other diseases there but the context is “in USA”. The disease being mentioned there is not about the incidents in USA. So that is not the location and location must be correct before you judge the answer otherwise you will go wrong.

But why not Not given? Many students consider this question's answer is NOT GIVEN and the reason why they think that way is because “smoking related diseases” is not mentioned, the word “cancer” is not there in the question, the word “all” or so on.

To establish a question as a not given you have to go through 2 filters such as TRUE and FALSE. If the question doesn’t comply with the logic of TRUTH and FALSE, then only
the answer is NOT GIVEN. So, apply this principle to the question.

STEP 1: Does the question comply or agree with the topic? No, then go to next step  
STEP 2: Does it contradict anywhere? YES, So where? “Cancer versus smoke related diseases” contradiction 1 is change of specific disease(cancer into smoke related; where the text doesn’t mention cancer is smoke related disease) contradiction 2 is singular/plural.

You don’t need to go STEP 3 in here because the question ended up with contradiction. So, regardless of “not mentioned words/subject/object”, we can determine the answer. Even if there are “not given” information there, it can still be false. Therefore, one must use deductive logic to get answer .Not given will be the answer only when the question has no compliance with TRUE or FALSE at all, on the other hand it is not because a a word is not given there or not.
Elimination technique makes easy to concentrate on the exact place. So, you may use it as I explained beforehand.
All the IELTS tasks need a bit of logic and concentration so doesn’t underestimate the questions of IELTS because of your general capacity in English. In order to get a high score, a candidate needs accuracy in reading (concentration), grammar and logic. Just relying upon grammar will get you an intermediate score only. The scope of Ielts is not to estimate your general level but linguistic level as well.

Free Tips: In reading:

Free Tips: In reading:
1,Start from question 40 and do it backward
2,Match the heading answer will be most repeated keywords or meaning of the passage;not the first or last lines.
3. just read this example given below---->

It is advised that you should bring your own pencil

You should bring your own pencil [True/False /Not given]

The answer is False. but why? Though it looks like a TRUE , read carefully the whole sentence ( "advised").
This will change the modality "should". So in reality the meaning becomes " you may bring your own pencil but not a must".The word "advised" changes the meaning of " you should" into "YOU MAY".
However,if the scenario is "our advice is you should bring your own pencil",then the answer will be YES/TRUE because "advice" is a noun which means SHOULD.[Please visit http://www.grammarbook.com or any alternative sources].

Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

Waspadai Kata Kunci dan Alur Teks dalam IELTS

IELTS Kampung Inggris Pare
Salah satu kesalahan yang paling sering dilakukan adalah saat mencocokkan kata pada pertanyaan dengan sebuah kata dalam teks dan mengira anda sudah menemukan jawabannya. Hampir tak pernah semudah itu dan jika kata-katanya cocok, maka itu bukan jawabannya. Yang biasanya anda cari adalah sinonim (persamaan kata) atau paraphrase (potongan teks yang mengungkapkan hal yang sama dengan pertanyaan).

Salah satu alasan seorang kandidat membuat kesalahan demikian adalah pengajar cenderung mengatakan cari kata kunci dalam pertanyaan tersebut. Sesungguhnya saran ini sangat membantu menunjukkan kemungkinan letak jawaban dan di paragraf mana jawaban tersebut berada. Namun kemudian anda perlu kembali dan membaca seluruh pertanyaan dengan teliti untuk melihat apakah jawabannya benar.

IELTS: Perhatikan Lembar Bacaan, Cepat Menjawab Pertanyaan.

IELTS Kampung Inggris Pare
Pertanyaan atau teks – mana yang harus dibaca lebih dulu? Tak ada jawaban yang benar. Buku teks cenderung menyarankan anda membaca teks dengan cepat terlebih dulu sehingga anda mengetahui bagaimana teks tersebut dirancang. 

Hal ini cukup membantu karena anda akan menghemat waktu kemudian dengan mengetahui paragraph mana yang mengandung jawabannya. Hal ini juga bisa jadi pendekatan yang baik, umumnya disediakan bagi kandidat level tinggi sehingga anda tak perlu menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk membaca dan selanjutnya anda memiliki catatan/garis bawah .

Banyak pengajar yang mengatakan bahwa anda sebaiknya membaca pertanyaannya terlebih dulu dan tidak membaca seluruh wacana. Cukup logis juga. Biasanya, anda tak perlu memahami makna keseluruhan wacana untuk menjawab pertanyaan, jadi kenapa membuang waktu membacanya? Pendekatan ini dapat digunakan, khususnya untuk kandidat tingkat dasar yang mungkin tidak terlalu memahami wacana.

Rabu, 18 Desember 2013

Cara menjawab sesi Reading Cambridge 4, test 4, no. 36-40

Pertanyaan nomor 36-40 (YES, NO, NOT GIVEN)

Cara saya menjawab pertanyaan sesi YES, NO, NOT GIVEN pada Cambridge 4, test 4. Mungkin cara ini juga cocok bagi Anda. Ada 2 langkah :

  1. Temukan kata kunci pada bacaan,
  2. Setelah menemukan kata kunci, bacalah dengan teliti. Terkadang dibutuhkan kemampuan Paraphrase untuk menemukan jawaban yang tepat.

Pertanyaan no. 36:
Personal liberty and independence have never been regarded as directly linked to health-care.

People are not in a position to exercise personal liberty and to be self-determining if they are poverty-stricken, or deprived of basic education, or do not live within a context of law and order. In the same way, basic health-care is a condition of the exercise of autonomy.

Jawaban: NO

Pertanyaan no. 37:
Health-care came to be seen as a right at about the same time that the limits of health-care resources became evident.

Just at the time when it became obvious that health-care resources could not possibly meet the demands being made upon them, people were demanding that their fundamental right to health-care be satisfied by the state.

Jawaban: YES

Pertanyaan no. 38:
In OECD countries population changes have had an impact on health-care costs in recent years.

The second set of more specific changes that have led to the present concern about the distribution of health-care resources stems from the dramatic rise in health costs in most OECD countries,…

Jawaban: YES

Pertanyaan no. 39:
OECD governments have consistently underestimated the level of health-care provision needed.

… in OECD countries as a whole, health costs increased from 3.8% of GDP in 1960 to 7% of GDP in 1980, and it has been predicted that the proportion of health costs to GDP will continue to increase.

Jawaban: NOT GIVEN

Pertanyaan no. 40:
In most economically developed countries the elderly will have to make special provision for their health-care in the future.

… in most OECD countries, accompanied by large-scale demographic and social changes which have meant, to take one example, that elderly people are now major (and relatively very expensive) consumers of health-care resources.

Jawaban: NOT GIVEN

Ref. Cambridge Practice Test for IELTS 4

Cara menjawab sesi Reading Cambridge 9, test 4, no. 27-30

Pertanyaan nomor 27-30 (HEADINGS)

Menjawab pertanyaan sesi HEADINGS pada Cambridge 9, test 4, no. 27-30 dengan kemampuan menganalisa KEYWORDS yang tepat.

 Penting: Bacaan dan pertanyaan HEADINGS hampir selalu mempunyai KEYWORDS yang sama !!!

Langkah 1: Pahami pertanyaan HEADINGS
Langkah 2: Lakukan skimming, scanning dan paraphrasing untuk mencari keywords yang tepat pada bacaan.

Pertanyaan nomor 27

Pertanyaan nomor 28

Pertanyaan nomor 29

Pertanyaan nomor 30

Ref. Cambridge Practice Test for IELTS 9

Cara menjawab sesi Reading Cambridge 4, test 1, no. 9-13

Pertanyaan nomor 9-13 (MATCHING FEATURES)

Menjawab pertanyaan sesi MATCHING FEATURES pada Cambridge 4, test 1, no. 9-13 dengan kemampuan menganalisa KEYWORDS yang tepat.

Penting: Anda akan menemukan banyak informasi yang berkaitan dengan pertanyaan. Tugas Anda: Baca dengan teliti semua informasi yang relevant!!!

Ref. Cambridge Practice Test for IELTS 4

Selasa, 17 Desember 2013

Cara menjawab sesi Reading Cambridge 2, test 2, no. 27-30

Pertanyaan nomor 27-30 (HEADINGS)

Menjawab pertanyaan sesi HEADINGS pada Cambridge 2, test 2, no. 27-30 dengan kemampuan menganalisa KEYWORDS yang tepat.

Penting: Bacaan dan pertanyaan HEADINGS hampir selalu mempunyai KEYWORDS yang sama !!!

Langkah 1: Pahami pertanyaan HEADINGS
Langkah 2: Lakukan skimming, scanning dan paraphrasing untuk mencari keywords yang tepat pada bacaan.

Ref. Cambridge Practice Test for IELTS 2