Rabu, 19 Maret 2014


A detailed case study:
In 1990, smoking caused more than 84,000 deaths, mainly resulting from such problems as pneumonia, bronchitis and influenza. Smoking, it is believed, is responsible for 30 per cent of all deaths from cancer and clearly represents the most important preventable cause of cancer in countries like the United States today.
30% of deaths in USA are caused by smoke related diseases (True/False/Not given)

This is a contradiction. Why? The question says "30% of death in USA .When you compare the meaning of question to the text you get------>
30% of all deaths in the USA, are caused by cancer because (=responsible) of smoking (text-side) (30% deaths from(because of)cancer and the reason for cancer is smoking).This is the meaning of the text so don’t get confused, read carefully.
30% of deaths in the USA are caused by smoke related diseases (question)

Eliminate the same meaning from both sides. USA=USA, 30%=30%, caused= caused, smoke =smoking. After eliminating the same words or meanings, you will get some reminders (left over) such as "cancer deaths, deaths and related diseases". Compare these carefully.

cancer deaths(text) versus deaths(question) ---> death means total deaths because of any reasons or unknown reasons(general) in USA where as cancer death means death because of cancer. This is a contradiction because the context of text mentions "deaths from cancer is because of smoking" which will not match and disagrees with the meaning of deaths (all deaths in the USA).Text never says that smoking is the reason for 30% deaths in USA but it says cancer is the reason of 30% death and reason for cancer is smoking. 
Reason for death (30%) = cancer (text)
Reason for death (30%) = smoking related diseases(question)
This is a false statement which contradicts the truth. If the sentence in the text (by meaning wise) has been changed or deviated then it is FALSE. This can be seen here when they changed “cancer into smoking related diseases”. Therefore, the answer is FALSE.

Besides, note "related diseases" as well. The text clearly says “cause is cancer”( all death from cancer). Cancer is singular so the plural "diseases" will not match but disagrees/contradicts. So again, this is FALSE. You may see other diseases there but the context is “in USA”. The disease being mentioned there is not about the incidents in USA. So that is not the location and location must be correct before you judge the answer otherwise you will go wrong.

But why not Not given? Many students consider this question's answer is NOT GIVEN and the reason why they think that way is because “smoking related diseases” is not mentioned, the word “cancer” is not there in the question, the word “all” or so on.

To establish a question as a not given you have to go through 2 filters such as TRUE and FALSE. If the question doesn’t comply with the logic of TRUTH and FALSE, then only
the answer is NOT GIVEN. So, apply this principle to the question.

STEP 1: Does the question comply or agree with the topic? No, then go to next step  
STEP 2: Does it contradict anywhere? YES, So where? “Cancer versus smoke related diseases” contradiction 1 is change of specific disease(cancer into smoke related; where the text doesn’t mention cancer is smoke related disease) contradiction 2 is singular/plural.

You don’t need to go STEP 3 in here because the question ended up with contradiction. So, regardless of “not mentioned words/subject/object”, we can determine the answer. Even if there are “not given” information there, it can still be false. Therefore, one must use deductive logic to get answer .Not given will be the answer only when the question has no compliance with TRUE or FALSE at all, on the other hand it is not because a a word is not given there or not.
Elimination technique makes easy to concentrate on the exact place. So, you may use it as I explained beforehand.
All the IELTS tasks need a bit of logic and concentration so doesn’t underestimate the questions of IELTS because of your general capacity in English. In order to get a high score, a candidate needs accuracy in reading (concentration), grammar and logic. Just relying upon grammar will get you an intermediate score only. The scope of Ielts is not to estimate your general level but linguistic level as well.

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