Kamis, 28 Februari 2013

Three Positive Actions toward Writing Section in IELTS

Writing in IELTS does not test on the knowledge owned by test taker. He or she will be tested on how to organize his or her writing. Besides, test taker’s ability in fulfilling the test according to the instruction given is also an important thing in completing this section. Nevertheless, test taker can do a smart move by broadening his or her knowledge about current affairs. Reading newspaper every day before taking IELTS will help a lot in enriching test taker’s information that will give him or her some other benefits. Why this knowledge is so important?

Secret of IELTS: Is There Any?

Some of my friends have ever asked me the same question as the title of this article. To be honest, there is no secret exist in being successful of this test. What can be learnt here is what we call as strategy. In IELTS, there are some strategies that can be applied to maximize the achievement itself.
Discussing those strategies will take some times as well. So, I am going to try to jot down those strategies one by one.

Significance of IELTS for Study Abroad (and scholarship) ?

One of the essential requirement for international students seeking to study abroad in UK or Australia is IELTS. They need IELTS with particular score to get admission in a university abroad. Many students consider IELTS as the single utmost obstacle that they face. Over that time, IELTS band scores become things to express candidates’ abilities in Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking, making the examination even more challenging – and maybe frightening for some students.

Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Pengaruh Nilai Setengah Pada Sesi Speaking IELTS

Sebagaimana telah anda ketahui, sesi Speaking pada IELTS saat ini diukur dengan cara yang berbeda sejak nilai setengah diperkenalkan. Anda mungkin bertanya – apa perbedaan Nilai 5.5 dan 6, apa yang harus saya tingkatkan untuk meraih nilai tambahan setengah? Berdasarkan pada situs resmi IELTS, inilah perbedaan antar band score pada tes Speaking:

Yang Perlu Anda Ketahui Tentang Lembar Jawaban IELTS

Lembar jawaban anda adalah selembar kertas yang amat sangat penting! Yang paling utama adalah karena dalam tes area reading dan listening, yang dinilai hanya jawaban yang anda tulis di lembar jawaban saja. Ini artinya, kalau pun anda menjawab semua pertanyaan dalam tes area reading/listening dengan benar tapi anda tidak menyalinnya dari booklet ke lembar jawaban, maka nilai yang anda peroleh adalah NOL.

Frasa "Swimmingly"

Ketika sesuatu hal dikatakan berjalan 'swimmingly', maka artinya hal tersebut nerjalan dengan lancar dan mulus.

Mimpi terburuk Kandidat IELTS

Banyak orang yang frustrasi dengan hasil tes IELTS-nya dikarenakan oleh kesalahannya sendiri. Umumnya, mereka adalah kelompok orang-orang yang menunda persiapan IELTS hingga waktu paling akhir sebelum tes. Hal itu memang lumrah karena sudah menjadi ciri khas manusia untuk menunda sebelum mulai mengerjakan suatu proyek penting dalam hidupnya.

Part 1, 2, and 3 in Speaking IELTS

In speaking session, you will be scored on how well you are able to communicate in English. To get the exact data on it, you will be involved in three parts given to test it.

Reading Skills in IELTS

Some test takers consider reading as a difficult skill in IELTS. Most of them get it difficult to complete this section well. They feel that the time given is not enough. Therefore, it is important for them to read efficiently and effectively the passages in reading section. In order to achieve that goal, you need to master some skills in reading.

Writing IELTS: The Application of Brainstorming

In writing IELTS, your ability in utilizing standard written English, organizing and explaining your thoughts, plus supporting those thoughts with reasons and examples will be scored.