Kamis, 02 Agustus 2018

IELTS Ideas: New things | Follow-up

Hari ketiga mengajar di Program IELTS Masterclass C2 Band 7+ English Studio Kampung Inggris Pare untuk periode 25 Juli - 10 Agustus 2018. 

Awalnya saya tidak kepikiran untuk memposting hasil pencarian ide untuk IELTS speaking feedback di English Studio ini. Ingin berbagi adalah alasan utama saya kenapa akhirtnya saya pun memposting ini. Alasan kedua adalah supaya saya punya arsip materi. Hitung-hitung kalau besok dibutuhkan, tinggal ambil aja di blog ini, tanpa perlu bongkar-bongkar ini laptop :D

New things

Is it good for people to try new things?
Trying new things is good for people because it:
  • allows people to expand their minds and learn
  • helps people vanquish their fears
  • helps people retain positive emotions and minimize negative ones
  • makes people feel like they are high in the sky
  • has  a positive impact on people’s personal growth and health
  • keeps people inspired and motivated
  • gives people a fresh perspective and gets them excited
  • gives people’s soul a boost
  • broadens people’s horizons
  • feeds people’s creativity
  • boosts people’s creativity
  •  increases people’s confidence
  • helps people break out of a rut
  • helps people see value around them
  • lets people gain knowledge
  • might people discover unknown talents
  • lets people learn more about themselves

Why are some people afraid of trying new things?
  • are afraid to be outside their comfort zone
  • are afraid to fail
  • worry that the action will result in immediate pain or discomfort
  • are worried that the action will produce an intolerable immediate outcome
  • are afraid of physical or material harm
  • are afraid of changes
  • have an instinctive fear of the unknown
  • feel insecure in the face of the unknown
  • are afraid to lose something they already have
  • don’t know what it’s like
  • any changes cause stress

What help do people need when they are trying to new things?
They need
  •  trust in their ability to pull through
  • simple tips and techniques to effectively manage change-related stress
  • expert guidance
  • psychological support
  • praise even for little accomplishments

What for
  • to help them see gains from trying something new
  • to help them feel safe and secure
  • to help them deal with various feelings like threat anxiety, relief
  • to help them to overcome their fears

What are some of the difficulties a person might have when they try something new?
  • When trying something new a person might:
  •  become bored
  • make mistakes
  •  fail to do it
  • harm themselves in some way
  • get hurt
  • lose their confidence because it was not as good as they thought it would be

Do you think it’s better to have new experiences when you are young or when you are older?
It’s better to have new experiences when you are young because older people:
  • often make the conscious decision to stop learning even though they may not realize it
  • have come to believe that they are too old to learn something new
  •  no longer need to master new skills to survive
  • get tired of learning
  • feel they have already had all experiences they need
  •  have physical changes such as reduced visions and hearing ability which in turn have an effect on their ability to learn and master new skills.
  •  Need more time to learn new things

Minggu, 11 Juni 2017

Ini dia tips dan trik Menulis Writing Task 1 Map

Kemarin tanggal 2 Juni 2017 di kelas IELTS Modular English Studio, saya dan para peserta membahas Writing Task 1 Map. Agar kamu dapat menyelesaikan penulisan Map ini dengan cepat dan akurat, lakukan 2 langkah ini:

1. Kamu cukup memfokuskan pada perubahan yang nampak pada Map.
2. Gunakan deskripsi paragraf dan kelompokkan objek-objek tadi berdasarkan tahun yang ada.

Berikut contoh esai writing task 1 yang kami selesaikan di kelas Modular kemarin.

The development of a coastal area of Brightsea chronologically from the past condition to the recent one and the blueprint of its future design is presented in the diagram. Those maps are compared based on the changes made
With regard to business centre, café and shop has replaced fishermen’s cottages in the north east of the map. In the planned development, these two business assets are predicted to be demolished, and therefore restaurant will be built while supermarket will be established in the east of Lighthouse. Again, the north-east development is forecast to construct some apartments and another development is the hotel in southeast of the coastal zone which will be extended to the east.
Turning into the public service, people visiting this place can park their car next to supermarket as the planned development. There will be a sailing club around the area of the hotel, and the south west area, people will see a Ferry Wharf with Telecommunication Antenna, while there are no changes in the main road in the east of the map. 
Kamu juga dapat membaca contoh tulisan saya dengan topik yang sama. Skor esai ini band 7.5 versi testbig :
The ongoing development of a coastal belt of Brightsea from the 1950s onwards appears in the map.
Before the commercial purpose could take place in 1950 onwards, the Brightsea’s local government started to build a house for lighthouse keepers and a lighthouse, which was under constant close surveillance day and night. Also, there were few cottages of fishmongers down to the small detail with a jetty.
A more detailed look at the map shows that in today’s development the cottages and the house of lighthouse keepers have been demolished. This may be because the central activity in the Brightsea area takes place in the commercial purpose, where can be clearly seen from the map that a hotel, café and shop are built into the zone, while a ferry terminal and a main road for commuters have also presented recently. Surprisingly, several years further on, there will be telecommunication antennae in the peripheral zone of the ferry terminal. Again, the shop is reversed into a large supermarket with valet parking for visitors. In the northern part of this coastal belt, the development will consist of a family residence and restaurant, which was used as a cafeteria.
What can be drawn from the map of the coastal belt of Brightsea? Fast forward now to the 1950s the development has dramatically changed. While the lighthouse is the constant landmark, there seems likely that the ferry wharf will have a more significant change.
Ok guys, pembahasan sesi Writing IELTS Task 1 Map cukup sampai di sini. Sampai jumpa lagi pada postingan tips dan trik IELTS lainnya.

Jika butuh guru private IELTS, silahkan kontak di nomor 0813-1033-6583 atau 0813-1818-6060

Sabtu, 03 Juni 2017

Cara Sukses Menjawab Line Graph (Waste) IELTS Writing Task 1

Sebagai Contributor Essay Forum, tiap hari saya membaca tulisan siswa yang masuk ke forum ini. Dan tiba saatnya satu esai IELTS task 1 tentang Waste Graph yang menarik perhatian saya yang kemudian akan dibahas di blog kali ini. 

Berikut judul dan gambar dari grafiknya  :
The graph below shows the amounts of waste produced by three companies over a period of 15 years.

Hal pertama yang wajib kamu lakukan adalah dengan mengelompokan trend yang ada. 

Kali ini saya akan mengelompokan Company A dan B menjadi satu bagian paragraf yang sama, karena menunjukkan trend yang “menurun”, lalu Company C akan saya bahas di paragraf isi berikutnya.

Tapi sebelum menulis paragraf isi, kamu wajib membuat “Overview” yang menggambarkan trend grafik secara keseluruhan. Overview dapat kamu tempatkan di awal paragraf bersamaan dengan kalimat pembuka ataupun di paragraf akhir.

Berikut contoh yang saya buat:

Kalimat Pembuka:
This graph presents tonnes of waste produced in three different companies for every five years, from 2000 to 2015. 

Kalimat Overview:
The amounts of waste created from Company A and B 
showed dramatic decreases. This contrasted to the waste product of the Company C increasing gradually.

Paragraf isi 1:
After reaching a high of 12 tonnes in the first year, the amount of waste produced by Company A continued to decline dramatically to the 2000 company's B figure. As it can be seen in the Company B, the amount of waste generated rose gradually to 10 tonnes in 2005, but the converse would be true for the subsequent years and then hitting a low of 3 tonnes over the ten-year period.

Paragraf isi 2:
Although company C was close behind when it came to waste product in the 2000, this trend showed an upward trend from 4 to 6 tonnes in first 5 years and then continuously rose to overtake the figures for Company A and C in years of 2010 onwards. 

Jika digabungkan, isi keseluruhan esai sebagai berikut: 
This graph presents tonnes of waste produced in three different companies for every five years, from 2000 to 2015. The amounts of waste created from Company A and B showed dramatic decreases. This contrasted to the waste product of the Company C increasing gradually. 
After reaching a high of 12 tonnes in the first year, the amount of waste produced by Company A continued to decline dramatically to the 2000 company's B figure. As it can be seen in the Company B, the amount of waste generated rose gradually to 10 tonnes in 2005, but the converse would be true for the subsequent years and then hitting a low of 3 tonnes over the ten-year period. 
 Although Company C was close behind when it came to waste product in the 2000, this trend showed an upward trend from 4 to 6 tonnes in first 5 years and then continuously rose to overtake the figures for Company A and C in years of 2010 onwards. 
Oke, sementara itu skil IELTS yang saya share kali ini. Semoga dapat membantu meningkatkan pengetahuan kamu tentang IELTS Writing task 1, khususnya Line Graph. 

Bagi kamu yang ingin belajar IELTS Online secara Gratis, silahkan bergabung di Group Facebook kami di sini

Selasa, 30 Mei 2017

Dengan Bahasa Inggris Dasar NOL = 1 bulan bisa menulis esai IELTS

IELTS itu tidak gampang. Tapi jika punya niat untuk mempelajarinya, maka pasti selalu aja ada jalan. Selama 1 bulan terakhir ini di bulan Mei, tepatnya di periode IELTS ENGLISH RAMADAN 2019, saya mengampuh kelas IELTS Pemula (paling dasar), yang kemampuan bahasa Inggris peserta yang ikut di kelas ini sangat terbatas. Mereka belum mampu memproduksi kalimat-kalimat yang panjang dan komplek. 

Seperti yang saya bilang di atas, asal ada kemauan, pasti ada jalan. 4 peserta kelas IELTS dasar ini memiliki tekad yang kuat untuk mempelajari IELTS. Ini yang membuat saya semangat untuk mengajar mereka.

Yang namanya pembelajar pemula, saya perlu mengenalkan IELTS itu apa saja. Skill apa yang dibutuhkan untuk ditingkatkan agar mampu menjawab soal-soal IELTS, sehingga mereka mampu menggapai skor 5.0 dalam waktu 1 bulan ini. Pencapaian skor 5.0 bagi peserta yang memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris dasar merupakan mencapaian yang sangat luar biasa. 

Singkat cerita, saya men-drilling mereka tiap hari dengan kalimat-kalimat yang sudah saya siapkan. Perlu diingat, peserta BASIC sangat tidak dianjurkan mempelajari grammar yang terlalu detail. Cukup memperkenalkan KALIMAT dan FRASE. Ini membantu mereka disaat mereka melakukan drilling. 

Selanjutnya saya meminta mereka menghapal KALIMAT dan FRASE berdasarkan topik-topik ringan yang sering muncul di pertanyaan speaking dan writing IELTS. 

Menghapal bagi sebagian orang sulit, begitupun yang dialami oleh 4 orang peserta BASIC IELTS ini. Tapi dengan semangat yang ber-api-api, mereka mampu sedikit demi sedikit menghapal KALIMAT-KALIMAT yang baru dan aneh menurut mereka. 

Setelah mereka menghapal kalimat-kalimat yang sudah saya siapkan, kemudian saya mengajarkan mereka menyusun kalimat -kalimat itu menjadi sebuah paragraf, tentu saja dengan lebih dulu mengenalkan KATA SAMBUNG (linking words) dan mempelajari fungsinya dalam kalimat.

Cara belajar ini kami lakukan 9 jam sehari selama 20 hari. Apakah ada rasa BOSAN di sana? Ya betul, tapi kami selalu percaya, rasa BOSAN ini hanya sementara saja, toh akan hilang jika kita tetap terus melakukan aktivitas belajar. 

Di hari ke-19, sehari sebelum melakukan FINAL TEST, saya pun memberikan MINI-EXAM ke mereka untuk mengukur kemampuan mereka dalam menulis esai. 

Dan apa yang terjadi? Mereka mampu membuat 1 full essay dengan waktu 1 jam. Dan pencapain ini sangat luar biasa bagi peserta yang memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris dasar, hampir NOL, yang mempunyai tekad besar untuk mempelajari IELTS.

Kamu ingin juga seperti mereka? 

Jika ingin belajar IELTS dengan saya di English Studio Kampung Inggris Pare atau di tempat kamu, silahkan DM saya di Instagram: @eddysuaib / INSTAGRAM ENGLISH STUDIO: @englishstudio

Dan jika kamu tertarik mengikuti kelas IELTS ONLINE via Whatsapp saya, silahkan kontak ke 0813.1818.6060 atau kunjungi website  ENGLISH STUDIO INDONESIA

Rabu, 17 Mei 2017

Cara menjawab soal IELTS Writing task 1 ala Kampung Inggris Pare (with a score of 7+)

Banyak jalan menuju Roma. Hal ini juga berlaku dalam penulisan Writing Report Task 1 pada perolehan skor 7+.

Salah satu cara yang paling cepat dan mudah digunakan dalam penyusunan report writing task 1 adalah dengan membagi paragraf berdasarkan tahun. Contohnya sebagai berikut:

Body Paragraph 1
  • 1900 and 1950
  • Key Features: Agriculture = the highest vs the lowest one = Business and Financial. 
Berikut contoh kalimat yang saya buat: 
The figure for the Agriculture sector in the UK economy accounted for 48% in the initial year. This continued to rise slightly in the 1950 year. The contribution made by the other sectors: Business and Financial was very low, although this showed a slight rise from 1900 to 1950, between 3% and 8%, an increase of 5% in a 50-year period. This contrasted to the sector of Manufacturing experiencing a downward trend to 40% in the second year.          
Body Paragraph 2
  • 1975 and 2000
  • Key Features: Decrease for manufacturing and agriculture vs Business and Financial = increase
Berikut contoh kalimat yang saya buat: 
1975 to 2000 saw downwards in the Manufacturing sector at 18% followed by the trend for Agriculture coming last in the eventual year, at almost 1%, and those contributed the small percentages. The reverse appeared to be true for the importance of Business and Financial increasing to the 1975 year Manufacturing’s sector in 2000 and therefore this became the most important sector from all described on the graph.
Saya sengaja tidak menuliskan Introduction and Overview, karena saya memberikan Anda kesempatan untuk melakukan itu. 

Jika Anda telah menyelesaikan penulisan Introduction and Overview, atau Anda memiliki cara lain dalam menyusun paragraf isi (body paragraphs) yang dapat digunakan dalam menjawab pertanyaan yang disajikan pada sesi Writing Task 1 di atas, silahkan posting jawaban Anda di Group Facebook di sini, dengan senang hati saya akan memberikan feedback terhadap performance Anda.

* Dalam penulisan Introduction, Anda cukup membahasakan ulang dengan bahasa Anda (paraphase) judul yang Ada di atas: The graph below shows the contribution of three sectors-agriculture manufacturing, and business and financial services- to the UK economy in the twentieth century.

** Sesi ini pernah saya ajarkan di Kelas IELTS English Studio Indonesia Kampung Inggris Pare 

Link FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/904423256333332/

gambar: ieltsadvantage.com


Mengundang Seminar/ Workshop IELTS: 

0813.1818.6060 atau 0813.1033.6583

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2016

Introduction to Reading IELTS

In reading IELTS, you have to deal with three reading passages with some questions as a companion. These reading passages are given based on its level of difficulty. These passages show increasing difficulty.

For each reading passage, there will be about 500-900 words existed. You have total 60 minutes to answer all questions about those three passages. The passages might involve information in form of tables, diagrams, charts, etc. Therefore, you need to have enough practice to understand on how to read those forms. Don’t be afraid of a topic that is unfamiliar for you. You will not be accessed about the knowledge of any particular subjects. You will be access merely on your skill to answer questions which are based on the reading passages. You may give marks on the question paper, but you should write down the answers directly to the answer sheet. Different from listening section, this section does not give you extra time for copying your answers to the answer sheet.

In reading sections, you could find several types of questions as follows.
  • Short answer
  • Multiple choice
  • Matching
  • Classification
  • Completing sentences
  • Completing notes
  • Completing a summary
  • Completing a table
  • Completing a form
  • Completing a flow chart or diagram
  • Selecting headings for paragraphs and sections
  • Recognizing a writer’s views or claims
The same as listening section, you cannot predict which type of question you will have to answer. Reading IELTS might give you some combination of the listed types of questions to answer.

In this section your skills in the following aspects will be tested.
  • Identifying the gist of a passage
  • Finding detailed factual information in a passage
  • Identifying relationships between ideas or information items such as cause and effects, order of events, and comparison
  • Making inferences
  • Distinguishing between fact, assumption, or opinion
  • Understanding text organization
  • Summarizing information
Source: IELTS to Success Preparation Tips and Practice Test by Eric van Bemmel and Janina Tucker (Melbourne: 1997)

Kamis, 24 Desember 2015

Getting 9 in Listening IELTS: Is it possible?

The highest score in IELTS is 9. To achieve this score will not be so easy to do. But still, there is an opportunity for you to get it. There are some important things that you may not forget when you are dealing with this section.

IELTS Test Day Advices

You have to feel nervous on this day. If you don't, I guess you aren't really normal then :) So here we go. Nervousness will not ever ruin your IELTS score, as long as you can control it. Here are some advices that will make your test day a little bit - maybe much- better.

1. Breakfast. What?? You said you do not feel hungry even tough you haven't have your breakfast? Believe me that your nervousness has made you forget your stomach's sound. Make sure that you EAT YOUR BREAKFAST properly so you will have the strength you need to take almost-4-hours IELTS test. Remember that your test needs your focus and stamina so without eat a good food and drink, how could you do well on your test?

2. Arrive early, so you will have all the time you need. To prepare, and also to take a deep, long breath :) You should arrive early for your IELTS test in order to allow time for you to register and be seated for the test. Please refer to your booking confirmation for details. If you arrive late, you may not be allowed to take the test.

3. Bring your ID. It can be your passport or national ID according to identification that you provided in IELTS application form. If you do not have the correct identification document, you will not be able to take the test.

4. Bring stationery. Pens ? Pencils ? Eraser ? Take the stationery you need to stay comfort on test but not too much.

5. Check-in your personal items. No personal items to be taken into the test room. Test day staff will collect and safely store your personal belongings. Items which are forbidden from the test room include: mobile phones, hand-held computers, cameras, hats, scarves, wallets, books or notes.

6. Listen to test's supervisor carefully. If you have anything to ask, raise your hand.

7. If you have problems during your test, do not hesitate and raise your hand. Remember that your test's supervisor is there to support and assist you.

8. Stay calm. Everybody has their own way to keep calm, there are people that walking around and around to make themselves calm. Some may have to listen to the music for calming down. Do whatever make you calm, but do not disturb the others.

Reference: http://www.ieltsessentials.com 

Need an IELTS teacher? contact me 0813.1033.6583 / 0813.1818.6060 or see me here English Studio Indonesia

Guessing Strategy in IELTS

Unlike other standardized tests, in IELTS, there is no penalty given for getting a wrong answer. When you have no idea about the answer, you can keep trying to answer as it will give you 20 until 25% chance of getting right answer. So, guessing is a thing that could give positive contribution for you as well. However, it should be noted that guessing in IELTS may not be done carelessly. There should be some considerations that are taken to have a meaningful guessing. 

There are some specific guessing techniques that you can apply.
1. Slang
It is better for you to choose an answer which sounds scientific than slang ones. For example,
A. To evaluate the outcomes of the two different kinds of treatment.
B. Because some objects insisted on getting one or the other of the treatments.
As choice A sounds more scientific compared to B whenever you should guess, pick A as the answer.

2. Extreme statements
You should avoid choosing a controversial choice as your answer. Pick an answer which is calm and rational. For example,
A. Abortion should be banned completely.
B. Though it has a lot of benefit, many doctors have suggested their patients not to take abortion as a merely way out for the unwanted pregnancy.
Choice B is better to take than A because it is less controversial. There is another consideration stated in this option as well.

3. Similar answer choices
When you find two answers which are almost the same, there is a big tendency that one of those answers is the right one. For example,
A. Use polyunsaturated cooking oil instead of other cooking oil.
B. Use polyunsaturated cooking oil is not even better than other cooking oil.
These two choices are almost the same, so there is a big opportunity that one of it is the correct answer.

4. Hedging
If you are dealing with a question about the conclusion, you can look for critical ‘hedge’ phrases such as likely, may, can, will, often, generally, mostly sometimes, etc. You could pick the answer which uses one of the above phrases. It will be better for you to avoid answer with phrases such as exactly, and always.

Still, you need to remember that being sure for the answer is always better than putting your selves in a “grey area” by guessing for the answer. But if you really need to guess, then guess in a smart way of guessing.

Rabu, 23 Desember 2015

What Lies Beyond the First Part of Speaking IELTS

The first part of speaking test is about introduction and interview. Introduction here means that examiner introduces his or herself to the test taker. Then, he or she asks about test taker’s full name and other general data of the test taker. Test taker needs to answer some basic questions about his or herself.