Sabtu, 03 Juni 2017

Cara Sukses Menjawab Line Graph (Waste) IELTS Writing Task 1

Sebagai Contributor Essay Forum, tiap hari saya membaca tulisan siswa yang masuk ke forum ini. Dan tiba saatnya satu esai IELTS task 1 tentang Waste Graph yang menarik perhatian saya yang kemudian akan dibahas di blog kali ini. 

Berikut judul dan gambar dari grafiknya  :
The graph below shows the amounts of waste produced by three companies over a period of 15 years.

Hal pertama yang wajib kamu lakukan adalah dengan mengelompokan trend yang ada. 

Kali ini saya akan mengelompokan Company A dan B menjadi satu bagian paragraf yang sama, karena menunjukkan trend yang “menurun”, lalu Company C akan saya bahas di paragraf isi berikutnya.

Tapi sebelum menulis paragraf isi, kamu wajib membuat “Overview” yang menggambarkan trend grafik secara keseluruhan. Overview dapat kamu tempatkan di awal paragraf bersamaan dengan kalimat pembuka ataupun di paragraf akhir.

Berikut contoh yang saya buat:

Kalimat Pembuka:
This graph presents tonnes of waste produced in three different companies for every five years, from 2000 to 2015. 

Kalimat Overview:
The amounts of waste created from Company A and B 
showed dramatic decreases. This contrasted to the waste product of the Company C increasing gradually.

Paragraf isi 1:
After reaching a high of 12 tonnes in the first year, the amount of waste produced by Company A continued to decline dramatically to the 2000 company's B figure. As it can be seen in the Company B, the amount of waste generated rose gradually to 10 tonnes in 2005, but the converse would be true for the subsequent years and then hitting a low of 3 tonnes over the ten-year period.

Paragraf isi 2:
Although company C was close behind when it came to waste product in the 2000, this trend showed an upward trend from 4 to 6 tonnes in first 5 years and then continuously rose to overtake the figures for Company A and C in years of 2010 onwards. 

Jika digabungkan, isi keseluruhan esai sebagai berikut: 
This graph presents tonnes of waste produced in three different companies for every five years, from 2000 to 2015. The amounts of waste created from Company A and B showed dramatic decreases. This contrasted to the waste product of the Company C increasing gradually. 
After reaching a high of 12 tonnes in the first year, the amount of waste produced by Company A continued to decline dramatically to the 2000 company's B figure. As it can be seen in the Company B, the amount of waste generated rose gradually to 10 tonnes in 2005, but the converse would be true for the subsequent years and then hitting a low of 3 tonnes over the ten-year period. 
 Although Company C was close behind when it came to waste product in the 2000, this trend showed an upward trend from 4 to 6 tonnes in first 5 years and then continuously rose to overtake the figures for Company A and C in years of 2010 onwards. 
Oke, sementara itu skil IELTS yang saya share kali ini. Semoga dapat membantu meningkatkan pengetahuan kamu tentang IELTS Writing task 1, khususnya Line Graph. 

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