Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

Paying More Attention on the Instruction in Reading IELTS (Part One)

In reading section of IELTS, you should also pay attention on the instruction given. If you are asked to give two examples, then give as it is requested. Do not add and do not reduce. Have a look at the following questions as the example. 
Questions 2 and 3
2. Name TWO places where earth building practices have existed for a long time.
Write the names of the places in box 2 on your answer sheet.

3. Name THREE places where earth building is becoming more popular.
Write the names of the places in box 3 on your answer sheet.

From two questions above, you can see that the number of answer expected is clearly mentioned. So, make sure that you give two names of place for number two and three for number three.

To answer the above question, do not forget to use skimming as the strategy. First, find the keyword. In question number two, the keyword is ‘have existed for a long time’, for number three, the keyword is ‘becoming popular’. Now, skim the following reading passage to get the answer.

For question number 2, you can get the answer in the first paragraph, line 5. In the previous sentence, it is stated “In some places, earth building technology has been around for a very long time….”. This sentence matches with the keyword in the question. Therefore, you can get the answer that China and Southwestern United States are the answer for the question.

For question number 3, you can get the answer in the second paragraph. There are four places mentioned in this paragraph: Australia, New Zealand, North America and Western Europe. Though there are four answers, you should only write three answers as it was stated in the instruction. You are free to choose three from these four answers.

Reference: IELTS to Success Preparation Tips and Practice Tests by Erick van Bemmel (Melbourne, 1997)