Aktivitas melepas penat setelah seharian belajar, para pelajar di Kampung Inggris Pare selalu menyempatkan diri menikmati jajanan kecil, berupa Ketan, Pisang Goreng, sembari bertukar cerita tentang daerah masing-masing. Di Warung Ketan lah tempat mereka berkumpul, yang seakan menjadi "Kamar" kedua mereka setelah Asrama/Kosan. Mau tahu lebih jauh seperti apa Warung Ketan di Kampung Inggris Pare? Silahkan simak film pendek di bawah ini (Presented by UNO edutravel)
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Kamis, 16 Januari 2014
UnoEduTravel - Warung Ketan Kampung Inggris Pare
kampung inggris pare,
Mengajar IELTS sejak 2010 dan mendirikan "English Studio Indonesia" di 2014
Rabu, 18 Desember 2013
Cara menjawab sesi Reading Cambridge 4, test 4, no. 36-40
Pertanyaan nomor 36-40 (YES, NO, NOT GIVEN)
Cara saya menjawab pertanyaan sesi YES, NO, NOT GIVEN pada Cambridge 4,
test 4. Mungkin cara ini juga cocok bagi Anda. Ada 2 langkah :
- Temukan kata kunci pada bacaan,
- Setelah menemukan kata kunci, bacalah dengan teliti. Terkadang dibutuhkan kemampuan Paraphrase untuk menemukan jawaban yang tepat.
Pertanyaan no. 36:
Personal liberty and
independence have never been regarded as directly linked to health-care.
People are not in a
position to exercise personal liberty and to be self-determining if they are
poverty-stricken, or deprived of basic education, or do not live within a
context of law and order. In the same way, basic health-care is a condition of
the exercise of autonomy.
Jawaban: NO
Pertanyaan no. 37:
Health-care came to
be seen as a right at about the same time that the limits of health-care
resources became evident.
Just at the time when
it became obvious that health-care resources could not possibly meet the
demands being made upon them, people were demanding that their fundamental right
to health-care be satisfied by the state.
Jawaban: YES
Pertanyaan no. 38:
In OECD countries
population changes have had an impact on health-care costs in recent years.
The second set of
more specific changes that have led to the present concern about the
distribution of health-care resources stems from the dramatic rise in health
costs in most OECD countries,…
Jawaban: YES
Pertanyaan no. 39:
OECD governments have
consistently underestimated the level of health-care provision needed.
… in OECD countries
as a whole, health costs increased from 3.8% of GDP in 1960 to 7% of GDP in
1980, and it has been predicted that the proportion of health costs to GDP will
continue to increase.
Jawaban: NOT GIVEN
Pertanyaan no. 40:
In most economically
developed countries the elderly will have to make special provision for their
health-care in the future.
… in most OECD
countries, accompanied by large-scale demographic and social changes which have
meant, to take one example, that elderly people are now major (and relatively
very expensive) consumers of health-care resources.
Jawaban: NOT GIVEN
Ref. Cambridge Practice Test for IELTS 4
Mengajar IELTS sejak 2010 dan mendirikan "English Studio Indonesia" di 2014
Cara menjawab sesi Reading Cambridge 9, test 4, no. 27-30
Pertanyaan nomor 27-30 (HEADINGS)
Menjawab pertanyaan sesi HEADINGS pada Cambridge 9, test 4, no. 27-30 dengan kemampuan menganalisa KEYWORDS yang tepat.
Penting: Bacaan dan pertanyaan HEADINGS hampir selalu mempunyai KEYWORDS yang sama !!!
Langkah 1: Pahami pertanyaan HEADINGS
Langkah 2: Lakukan skimming, scanning dan paraphrasing untuk mencari keywords yang tepat pada bacaan.
Pertanyaan nomor 27
Pertanyaan nomor 28
Ref. Cambridge Practice Test for IELTS 9
Mengajar IELTS sejak 2010 dan mendirikan "English Studio Indonesia" di 2014
Cara menjawab sesi Reading Cambridge 4, test 1, no. 9-13
Pertanyaan nomor 9-13 (MATCHING FEATURES)
pertanyaan sesi MATCHING FEATURES pada Cambridge 4, test 1, no. 9-13 dengan
kemampuan menganalisa KEYWORDS yang tepat.
Penting: Anda akan menemukan banyak informasi yang berkaitan dengan pertanyaan. Tugas Anda: Baca dengan teliti semua informasi yang relevant!!!
Ref. Cambridge Practice Test for IELTS 4
Mengajar IELTS sejak 2010 dan mendirikan "English Studio Indonesia" di 2014
Selasa, 17 Desember 2013
Cara menjawab sesi Reading Cambridge 2, test 2, no. 27-30
Pertanyaan nomor 27-30 (HEADINGS)
Menjawab pertanyaan sesi HEADINGS pada Cambridge 2,
test 2, no. 27-30 dengan kemampuan menganalisa KEYWORDS yang tepat.
Penting: Bacaan dan pertanyaan HEADINGS hampir selalu mempunyai KEYWORDS yang sama !!!
Langkah 1: Pahami pertanyaan HEADINGS
Langkah 2: Lakukan skimming, scanning dan paraphrasing
untuk mencari keywords yang tepat pada bacaan.
Ref. Cambridge Practice Test for IELTS 2
Mengajar IELTS sejak 2010 dan mendirikan "English Studio Indonesia" di 2014
Cara menjawab sesi Reading Cambridge 2, test 3, no. 27-33
Pertanyaan nomor 27-33 (HEADINGS)
Menjawab pertanyaan sesi HEADINGS pada Cambridge 2,
test 3, no. 27-33 dengan kemampuan menganalisa KEYWORDS yang tepat.
Penting: Bacaan dan pertanyaan HEADINGS hampir selalu mempunyai KEYWORDS yang sama !!!
Langkah 1: Pahami pertanyaan HEADINGS
Langkah 2: Lakukan skimming, scanning dan paraphrasing
untuk mencari keywords yang tepat pada bacaan.
Temukan KEYWORDS !!!
Jawaban dari pertanyaan di atas:
27. Section B iv
28. Section C vii
29. Section D viii
30. Section E iii
31. Section F ii
32. Section G i
33. Section H x
Ref. Cambridge Practice Test for IELTS 2
Mengajar IELTS sejak 2010 dan mendirikan "English Studio Indonesia" di 2014
Senin, 16 Desember 2013
Cara menjawab sesi Reading Cambridge 7, GT A, no. 8-14
Pertanyaan nomor 8-14 (HEADINGS)
Menjawab pertanyaan sesi HEADINGS pada Cambridge 7, GT
A dengan kemampuan menganalisa KEYWORDS yang tepat.
Penting: PARAGRAPHS dan HEADINGS hampir selalu mempunyai KEYWORDS yang sama !!!
Langkah 1: Pahami pertanyaan HEADINGS
Langkah 2: Lakukan
skimming dan scanning untuk mencari keywords yang tepat pada bacaan.
Temukan KEYWORDS !!!
Jawaban dari pertanyaan di atas:
08. Section A v
09. Section B vii
10. Section C ix
11. Section D ii
12. Section E x
13. Section F i
14. Section G iii
Ref. Cambridge Practice Test for IELTS 7
Mengajar IELTS sejak 2010 dan mendirikan "English Studio Indonesia" di 2014
Cara menjawab sesi Reading Cambridge 3 , test 2, no. 1-5
Pertanyaan nomor 1-5 (YES, NO, NOT GIVEN)
Cara saya menjawab pertanyaan sesi YES, NO, NOT GIVEN
pada Cambridge 3, test 2. Mungkin cara ini juga cocok bagi Anda. Ada 2 langkah :
- Temukan kata kunci pada bacaan,
- Setelah menemukan kata kunci, bacalah dengan teliti. Terkadang dibutuhkan kemampuan Paraphrase untuk menemukan jawaban yang tepat.
Jawaban dari pertanyaan di atas:
Pertanyaan 1: Bush
flies are easier to control than buffalo
Lokasi dalam bacaan: paragraf 2, baris 6-7:
“… avoiding the soft cattle dung in which bush flies and buffalo flies breed.”
Jawaban: NOT GIVEN
Pertanyaan 2: Four thousand species
of dung beetle were initially brought
to Australia by the CSIRO.
Lokasi dalam bacaan: paragraf 3, baris 6:
“…the CSIRO
imported insects from about 50
different species of dung beetle…”
Jawaban: NO
Pertanyaan 3: Dung beetles were brought to
Australia by the CSIRO over a fourteen-year period.
Lokasi dalam bacaan: paragraf 3, baris 6:
“Between 1968
and 1982, the CSIRO imported… species of dung beetle…”
Jawaban: YES
Pertanyaan 4: At least twenty-six of the introduced species have
become established in Australia.
Lokasi dalam bacaan: paragraf 3, baris 8-9:
“ Of the 26 species that are known to have become
successfully integrated into the local environment…”
Jawaban: YES
Pertanyaan 5: The dung bettles cause an immediate improvement to the quality of
a cow pasture.
Lokasi dalam bacaan: paragraf 4, baris 3:
“The beetles
immediately disappear beneath…”
Jawaban: NO
Ref. Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 3
Ref. Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 3
Mengajar IELTS sejak 2010 dan mendirikan "English Studio Indonesia" di 2014
Cara menjawab sesi Reading Cambridge 1, test 1, no. 1-8
Pertanyaan nomor
1-8 (Complete Summary)
Cara saya
menjawab pertanyaan sesi Complete Summary pada Cambridge 1, test 1. Mungkin cara
ini juga cocok bagi Anda. Ada 2 langkah :
- Temukan kata kunci pada bacaan,
- Setelah menemukan kata kunci, baca dengan teliti, lalu bandingkan, sampai Anda yakin akan jawaban yang tepat.
Hasil kerja dari 2 langkah di atas:
Jawaban dari pertanyaan di atas:
They tried to preserve burning logs or charcoal unaware that they could create
fire themselves.
It is suspected that the first man-made flames were produced
by chance
The very first
fire-lighting methods involved the creation of friction by, for
example, rapidly rotating a wooden stick in a round hole. The use
of percussion
or persistent
chipping was also widespread in Europe and among other peoples
such as the
Chinese and Eskimos European practice of this method
until the 1850s despite the discovery of
phosphorus some years earlier.
Ref. Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 1
Ref. Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 1
Mengajar IELTS sejak 2010 dan mendirikan "English Studio Indonesia" di 2014
Sabtu, 14 Desember 2013
Linking words: Can I be of any use ?
Ryan Higgins has brought some practical
linking words to light, used in IELTS introduction paragraph. Here is the
In today’s world, the use of technology is ever-increasing. Even in classrooms technology can be commonly seen. It is disagreed that technology will completely replace the teacher in the classroom. Analyzing both the inability of a technology-driven teacher to discipline students in a classroom as well as this robotic teacher’s hindrance to a student’s learning process will show this.
Ryan once says: all sentences in paragraph
can be worked as one unity if there are (more) linking words to be ticked.
Let’s look at how these linking words (underlined phrases) can be of any
Even in – this is a phrase used in English to make it clear
that a topic’s characteristics match the characteristics of a topic
presented before it. In the paragraph above, it is saying that technology in the
classroom is also ever-increasing. Can you see how ‘even in’ links the ideas
of our background sentence with our detailed background sentence?
This – probably the most commonly used linking word, here
this refers to our thesis and states that the supporting ideas of lack of
discipline and educational hindrance will act in support of this thesis.
Can you see how the word ‘this’ causes the outline sentence to link with the
idea presented in the thesis?
A key point for IELTS essay is sited in the first paragraph, known as the introduction. When the IELTS examiner peruses the introduction to your essay, then she/he should already figure out clearly what the rest of your essay will look like.
from: Ryan Higgins.
action plan,
Mengajar IELTS sejak 2010 dan mendirikan "English Studio Indonesia" di 2014
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