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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Writing Task 1 GT. Tampilkan semua postingan

Jumat, 23 Februari 2024

ESSAY IELTS TASK 1 GT WHV: Problem with a Piece of Equipment (Formal Letter)

Kali ini saya akan membagikan sample Letter Task 1, untuk teman-teman GT WHV English Studio yang rencana Minggu depan (24-29 Feb) pada persiapan ujian IELTS. 

Well, saya doakan juga semoaga WAR SDUWHV di 04 Maret besok dilancarkan ya

Berikut sample Letter Task 1. Diperhatikan baik-baik bagaimana saya menjawab semua poin bullet yang diberikan. 

Semoga ujian teman-teman lancar ya :

You work at home and have a problem with a piece of equipment that you use for your job. Write a letter to the shop or company which supplied the equipment. 
In your letter
  Describe the problem with the equipment.
  Explain how this problem is affecting your work.
  Say what you want the shop or company to do.

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing this letter to complain about a problem with the laptop that I bought from your shop two weeks ago, which I use to work from home.

This problem is that the the battery lasts 30 minutes, and I have to keep it plugged in all the time, which does not fulfill a laptop function and therefore, it has become like a desktop computer. In addition, the charger sometimes has short circuits, which is dangerous not only for my health but can also damage the laptop.

This issue affects my job because when I have to go to another place in my house, I cannot bring the laptop. I sometimes have to go to the balcony or the rooftop, where there are no plugs, to do my job or to have online meetings, especially when my children are present.

I would like you to send me a new laptop soon. I use it every day for my job, so I am not able to wait for a technician to repair it and send it back to me. Besides, I do not want a repaired one because I have used it only for two weeks.

Yours faithfully,
Riri Amanda

Seperti di atas contoh penulisan Letter Formal yang dapatkan dijadikan referensi saat teman-teman ujian besok. If you have any question, you can reach me out to my IG @englishstudio / @eddysuaib

Selasa, 17 November 2015

IELTS Writing Task 1: Understand the Importance of Vocabulary

One of the most important points in execution of IELTS writing task 1 is to mastery so many vocabularies. There are some aspects which include in scope like correct spelling, words duplication, and vocabulary utilizing in the broad sense. A reliable resource said that the participants of IELTS prohibited to do vocabulary writing excessive for maximizing the score. The structure of grammar and vocabulary will determine the score. There some types of vocabulary test that will be explained below:

1. IELTS Vocabulary for Conditional Purpose
In this section, you’ll find some sentences that show a requirement to do something. Usually, the writing of these sentences use “if” as the marker of a condition.
  • You can borrow my book if you return it before you go home.
If can be replaced by providing that. From the sentence above we can see that the first person want to do something for the second one if the second person do something wanted by the first one.
  • You can’t go abroad if you don’t have any passport.
We can replace the word under the red circle with unless. In this sentence, the person can’t do something because he or she doesn’t fulfill something required.
The word “if” can also be replaced by another words or phrases like no matter how, as long as, on condition that, however many, and wherever which all of these, have the different condition.              

2. IELTS Vocabulary for Changes
In addition of explaining a condition, a word may has more than one meaning at the different context of sentences. Let’s take a look for some examples below:
  • We need some batteries to adapt this flashlight. adapt means recharge
  • The Palestine societies have to adapt the politic condition of their country. adapt means conform or fit in.
3. IELTS Vocabulary for How Something Works
We can explain the use of an object with a phrase or vocabulary. For example, there are some steps of making tea with no hot water available:

  • Fill the kettle with water.
  • Heat up the water on the stove.
  • While waiting for boiling water, prepare a glass fill with tea and some sugar.
  • After the boiling water is ready, lift the kettle from the stove.
  • Pour some boiling water to the glass prepared.
4. IELTS Vocabulary for Writing Letter
There are some phrases that commonly used in writing a letter like the example below:
  • Dear Sir/ Madam explain greetings to somebody who sent the letter.
  • I would like to….. explain the intention of letter.
  • As you requested, I enclose…… explain eligibility which has been asked before.
  • I look forward to hearing from you soon explain a response to wait a reply of letter.
  • Thank you for your attention saying thanks to mail receiver.                                                            
5. IELTS Vocabulary for Presenting an Argument
For example, there are some sentences that being randomized. These sentences explain about somebody who is confusing to choose whether going to university or spending a year travelling around the world after school. Arrange these paragraphs to understand the arguments.
  1. Not only getting a job immediately, but also getting a good job with a good salary. (4)
  2. After that, if I have spare time, maybe I can follow a trip around the world. (5)
  3. I have to decide should I go to university or spend a year travelling around the world? (1)
  4. But, there are many advances of going to university. (2)
  5. Because I will get my qualifications immediately and I can find a job early. (3)
  • I have to decide should I go to university or spend a year travelling around the world?
  • But, there are many advances of going to university.
  • Because I will get my qualifications immediately and I can find a job early.
  • Not only getting a job immediately, but also getting a good job with a good salary.
  • After that, if I have spare time, maybe I can follow a trip around the world.
I hope this article can help you to learn about IELTS writing task 1 especially for understanding the use of vocabulary. Good luck.

Sumber: www.ielts-exam.net

Senin, 16 November 2015

IELTS Writing Task 1: Golden Rules of Writing Task 1

Remember that this takes about 20 minutes. You write a report about a graph, table, bar chart or diagram, using a minimum of 150 words. You are marked on task completion and use of range of vocabulary and grammar, organization and development. 

Do Task 1 first. There is a reason why it is Task 1. From the psychological point of view, it gives you a sense of accomplishment when you have finished it. A common feature of the writing process is the concept of getting oneself going. With the shorter task you can get yourself into your stride in writing. By the time you start Task 2, you’ll then be much more alert and perform Task 2 much more efficiently.

Minggu, 15 November 2015

Criteria in Writing IELTS

In Writing IELTS, there are two tasks that you have to complete. Each task is assessed independently. However, it should be noted that task 2 carries more weight in marking compared to task 1. There is a slight difference between scoring criteria of task 1 and task 2. Check the difference as follows.

Rabu, 03 Juni 2015

Saran Baik dan Buruk: Merancang Karangan IELTS

IELTS Kampung Inggris Pare
Contoh Writing IELTS
Bagi anda yang sedang mempersiapkan diri menghadapi tes Writing pada ujian IELTS, berikut adalah saran yang bisa anda pertimbangkan.

Saran yang buruk – berikan diri anda waktu sebanyak mungkin untuk menulis

Salah. Pembagian waktu bisa jadi suatu masalah saat menulis karangan, namun cara menyelesaikan karangan anda bukanlah dengan memulai menulis dengan cepat. Akan berbeda, sesungguhnya, bagi orang berbeda pula, namun saran terbaik adalah dengan meluangkan waktu untuk merancang karangan anda. Maksudnya, jika anda tahu apa yang ingin anda sampaikan dan jika anda tahu kata yang akan digunakan, anda akan menulis dengan lebih cepat dan lebih akurat ketimbang anda langsung menulis setelah dua menit membaca pertanyaan. Beri waktu untuk diri anda. Berapa lama yang anda perlukan untuk menulis 250 kata? Jika anda tahu yang ingin anda sampaikan, jawabannya tak akan lebih dari 20 menit. Sekarang pertimbangkan mana yang lebih baik, pikirkan apa yang akan disampaikan sebelum mulai menulis atau sambil anda menulis. Pilihan di tangan anda.

Kamis, 20 Maret 2014

IELTS writing check list for band 9

Task achievement : 5
How effectively the
candidate has identified,
illustrated and reflected the
key features of the
information in the task

Coherency and Cohesions: 5
How well the information
and ideas are organised,
presented and linked

Vocabulary :5

The range of vocabulary
used, how accurately it is
used and how appropriate it
is for the task

Grammar range and accuracy: 5
The range of structures
used, how accurately they
are used and how
APPROPRIATE they are for the

All these criteria are equally weighed so out of 9 band,each criterion can be 2.25 band.So,International students need to focus on the other criteria such as Task response and Coherency+cohesions.Since Grammar and vocabulary overly focused,a testee can only have a full band in both criteria which is 4.25 band.However, Most average to intermediate students can get a 3.0- 3.5 band out of 4.25 band.

There is a common myth I found observed from international students that pedantic way of writing will get them a high band and the reason behind this is precise or concise writing.Ironically,IELTS has no marks for precise/concise writing.To learn precise writing it needs minimum of 6 months to 1 year practice because it needs re-editing while one practices.On the other hand,IELTS writing task 2 is less than 40 minutes task.So it is hard to accomplish it.Albeit,many commercialised language schools are misleading students to write precisely or "precise writing".The hidden idea is to extend their course as a result more tuition fee to teach.

If you look through IELTS.org website,it shows "how its marked".So it is very clear to understand how to achieve high score by understanding the criteria.However,many testees are over confident about the first 2 criteria ( task response and coherency) when they are not very sure about it.

The common mistake they do with IELTS writing task 2 is, no relevancy to the back ground or topic question.Next one is, not explaining well logically.Even though your grammar and vocabulary are accurate and appropriate to the task,it is not enough to score a band of 7.Because the score will be as follows ( 1+1.5+1.5+1.5) which is 5.5 in total.However,it can go up to 6.5 if they try their best.

Every IELTS question task needs "reasoning" ( use your reason: please find the task question under any IELTS question topic ).So if one can logically explain well they can surely achieve a high band score but HOW? Task response and coherency need logical explanation and organization.While increasing these both criteria, one can can get 2 band in each which will result as follows ( 2band in task response, 2 band coherency+coherency,grammar 1.5 and vocabulary 1.5,so in total 4+3 -7 band).

I have personal experience from Brisbane for making many students from 5.5 band to 7 band less than 2 weeks.The method was teaching them how to write logically than focusing overly on grammar or vocabulary.However,there are some stiff necked students who may argue just opposite but I will advice them to go for 6 to one year practice under any language school since they believe vocabulary and grammar are the major points in an ess@y.They don't care about the logical explanation of an Ess@y.If an ess@y is not informative with a logical reasoning ,then the ess@y isn"t purposive but to impress the reader with their ostentatious style.

IELTS ess@y require content and reasoning and if a testee has both criteria it is very likely to get 7.5 band (2.25+2.0+1.5+1.5).7.25 will be rounded to 7.5 band.However,grammar and vocabulary are important to get 8 or higher than 8.In my observation,most average to intermediate testees score in grammar is 1.75 band and vocabulary is 2 band.
So before booking a next exam date, understand these marking criteria level and practice accordingly.Check your ess@ys by using criteria list.
Or if you want me to help with logical writing to get a band of 7 or higher reply to this advert or contact me 

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