Jumat, 23 Februari 2024

ESSAY IELTS TASK 1 GT WHV: Problem with a Piece of Equipment (Formal Letter)

Kali ini saya akan membagikan sample Letter Task 1, untuk teman-teman GT WHV English Studio yang rencana Minggu depan (24-29 Feb) pada persiapan ujian IELTS. 

Well, saya doakan juga semoaga WAR SDUWHV di 04 Maret besok dilancarkan ya

Berikut sample Letter Task 1. Diperhatikan baik-baik bagaimana saya menjawab semua poin bullet yang diberikan. 

Semoga ujian teman-teman lancar ya :

You work at home and have a problem with a piece of equipment that you use for your job. Write a letter to the shop or company which supplied the equipment. 
In your letter
  Describe the problem with the equipment.
  Explain how this problem is affecting your work.
  Say what you want the shop or company to do.

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing this letter to complain about a problem with the laptop that I bought from your shop two weeks ago, which I use to work from home.

This problem is that the the battery lasts 30 minutes, and I have to keep it plugged in all the time, which does not fulfill a laptop function and therefore, it has become like a desktop computer. In addition, the charger sometimes has short circuits, which is dangerous not only for my health but can also damage the laptop.

This issue affects my job because when I have to go to another place in my house, I cannot bring the laptop. I sometimes have to go to the balcony or the rooftop, where there are no plugs, to do my job or to have online meetings, especially when my children are present.

I would like you to send me a new laptop soon. I use it every day for my job, so I am not able to wait for a technician to repair it and send it back to me. Besides, I do not want a repaired one because I have used it only for two weeks.

Yours faithfully,
Riri Amanda

Seperti di atas contoh penulisan Letter Formal yang dapatkan dijadikan referensi saat teman-teman ujian besok. If you have any question, you can reach me out to my IG @englishstudio / @eddysuaib

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