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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Writing Task 1 AC. Tampilkan semua postingan

Kamis, 23 Mei 2019

IELTS Task 1 Bar Graph: Global Sales of the Top Five Mobile Phone

Kemarin saya sudah membagikan contoh paragraf yang menggunakan komparasi YEARS dan GAPS.

Sharing kali, saya menunjukkan bagaimana Language of Change dan Language of Comparison digunakan bersama dalam paragraf. Perhatikan contoh berikut: 

In 2009, Nokia sold close to 450 million mobile phone, which was almost double the number of handsets sold by the second most successful manufacturer, Samsung. Over the following four years, however, Nokia’s sales figures fell by approximately 200 million units, whereas Samsung saw sales rise by a similar amount. By 2013, Samsung had become the market leader with sales reaching 450 million units.

The other three top selling mobile phone brands between 2009 and 2013 were LG, ZTE, and Apple. In 2009, these companies sold around 125 million, 50 million and 25 million mobile handsets respectively, but Apple overtook the other two vendors in 2011. In 2013, purchases of Apple handsets reached 150 million units, while LG saw declining sales and the figures for ZTE rose only slightly

Beberapa vocabulary Band 7:
- Sold Worldwide
- Sales figures, purchases
- Most popular, best selling brand, top selling
- Second most successful manutafcturer
- Market leader
- Mobiles phones, handsets, units
- Brands, manufactures, companies, vendors
- Saw the biggest rises, saw declining sales
- Close to, almost, approximately, around
- Double the number
- Rise by a similar amount
- Respectively

MERAH menggunakan Language of Comparison

BIRU menggunakan Language of Changes

PENTING: Jika kamu ingin mendapatkan skor 7+, selalu menggunkan Language of Comparison and Changes.

Silahkan dibaca baik-baik contoh di atas, jika ada ditanyakan, silahkan DM saya di Instagram: @eddysuaib / INSTAGRAM ENGLISH STUDIO: @englishstudio

Dan jika kamu tertarik mengikuti kelas IELTS ONLINE via Whatsapp saya, silahkan kontak ke 0813.1818.6060 atau kunjungi website  ENGLISH STUDIO INDONESIA


Rabu, 22 Mei 2019

Contoh paragraf komparasi GAPS and YEARS di LINE GRAPH

Sharing kali ini tentang contoh paragraph yang menggunakan teknik komparasi YEARS dan GAPS yang sering ditemukan di LINE GRAPH. Berikut Line Graph yang akan dibuatkan paragrafnya

The Graph below shows the number of university graduates in Canada from 1992 to 2007. 

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. 

Graduate numbers rose during the 15 years and reached their highest levels in 2007, but there were always more females than male graduates. In 1992, the difference was less marked, with just over 70,000 males and about 100,000 females. However, by 2007 there had been more significant growth on female numbers. That year, they rose to 147,000, compared to just 95,000 males. Thus the gap between the number of male and female graduates had widened. 

A more detailed look at the graph reveals that the overall growth in numbers was not always steady. Between 1992 and 1995, there was a slight increase. That was followed by a period of about five years, when numbers fell, then flattened out at just over 70,000 for men and 100,000 for women. After 2000, however, graduate numbers saw their strongest growth rate, and this was well above the increases that had been seen in the early 1990s. 


Paragraf 1 tentang GAPS, menggunakan Language of Comparison

Paragraf 2 tentang YEARS, menggunakan Language of Changes

PENTING: Jika kamu ingin mendapatkan skor 7+, susun paragraf komparasi berdasarakan GAPS and YEARS 

Silahkan dibaca baik-baik contoh di atas, jika ada ditanyakan, silahkan DM saya di Instagram: @eddysuaib / INSTAGRAM ENGLISH STUDIO: @englishstudio

Dan jika kamu tertarik mengikuti kelas IELTS ONLINE via Whatsapp saya, silahkan kontak ke 0813.1818.6060 atau kunjungi website  ENGLISH STUDIO INDONESIA










Kamis, 02 Mei 2019

Contoh paragraf esai IELTS Line Graph Band 7

Sebelum tulisan ini saya bagi ke blog ini, saya lebih dulu mendiskusikan ini dengan peserta kelas IELTS Online via Whatsapp saya.

Di sana banyak merasa sudah menuliskan paragraf yang tepat, tapi pada kenyataaannya, paragraf yang tersusun itu TIDAK dapat mewakili kesimpulan dari graph di atas.

Permasalahan paling banyak saya temukan adalah, Peserta kelas IELTS online ini TIDAK memahami secara utuh informasi yang disampaikan.

Contohnya, The highest amount of water was seen and increased significantly from the first to the last year.

Di atas adalah contoh yang keliru dalam menuliskan kalimat untuk mendeskripsikan kalimat di atas.

Perhatikan contoh paragraf di bawah ini:

Roadways were the main source of transportation in the UK, which transported around 70 million tonnes of goods in 1974. The amount of transported goods hovered around 80 million tonnes till around 1996 from where it increased at a steady rate before closing at just under 100 million tonnes in 2002. Pipelines, in contrast, were the lowest in 1974 at around 3 million tonnes after increasing at a steady rate closed down at just over 20 million tonnes in 2002.
Railway and Waterways recorded to be transporting approximately 40 million tonnes in 1974, from where waterways showed a rise in transported goods till 1992 before declining by around 10 million tonnes for the following three years, it again rose and closed at about 62 million tonnes in 2002. Railways fluctuated between 20 million tonnes and 40 million tonnes and closed at just above 40 million tonnes.

Silahkan dibaca baik-baik contoh di atas, jika ada ditanyakan, silahkan DM saya di Instagram: @eddysuaib / INSTAGRAM ENGLISH STUDIO: @englishstudio

Dan jika kamu tertarik mengikuti kelas IELTS ONLINE via Whatsapp saya, silahkan kontak ke 0813.1818.6060 atau kunjungi website  ENGLISH STUDIO INDONESIA

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Minggu, 11 Juni 2017

Ini dia tips dan trik Menulis Writing Task 1 Map

Kemarin tanggal 2 Juni 2017 di kelas IELTS Modular English Studio, saya dan para peserta membahas Writing Task 1 Map. Agar kamu dapat menyelesaikan penulisan Map ini dengan cepat dan akurat, lakukan 2 langkah ini:

1. Kamu cukup memfokuskan pada perubahan yang nampak pada Map.
2. Gunakan deskripsi paragraf dan kelompokkan objek-objek tadi berdasarkan tahun yang ada.

Berikut contoh esai writing task 1 yang kami selesaikan di kelas Modular kemarin.

The development of a coastal area of Brightsea chronologically from the past condition to the recent one and the blueprint of its future design is presented in the diagram. Those maps are compared based on the changes made
With regard to business centre, café and shop has replaced fishermen’s cottages in the north east of the map. In the planned development, these two business assets are predicted to be demolished, and therefore restaurant will be built while supermarket will be established in the east of Lighthouse. Again, the north-east development is forecast to construct some apartments and another development is the hotel in southeast of the coastal zone which will be extended to the east.
Turning into the public service, people visiting this place can park their car next to supermarket as the planned development. There will be a sailing club around the area of the hotel, and the south west area, people will see a Ferry Wharf with Telecommunication Antenna, while there are no changes in the main road in the east of the map. 
Kamu juga dapat membaca contoh tulisan saya dengan topik yang sama. Skor esai ini band 7.5 versi testbig :
The ongoing development of a coastal belt of Brightsea from the 1950s onwards appears in the map.
Before the commercial purpose could take place in 1950 onwards, the Brightsea’s local government started to build a house for lighthouse keepers and a lighthouse, which was under constant close surveillance day and night. Also, there were few cottages of fishmongers down to the small detail with a jetty.
A more detailed look at the map shows that in today’s development the cottages and the house of lighthouse keepers have been demolished. This may be because the central activity in the Brightsea area takes place in the commercial purpose, where can be clearly seen from the map that a hotel, café and shop are built into the zone, while a ferry terminal and a main road for commuters have also presented recently. Surprisingly, several years further on, there will be telecommunication antennae in the peripheral zone of the ferry terminal. Again, the shop is reversed into a large supermarket with valet parking for visitors. In the northern part of this coastal belt, the development will consist of a family residence and restaurant, which was used as a cafeteria.
What can be drawn from the map of the coastal belt of Brightsea? Fast forward now to the 1950s the development has dramatically changed. While the lighthouse is the constant landmark, there seems likely that the ferry wharf will have a more significant change.
Ok guys, pembahasan sesi Writing IELTS Task 1 Map cukup sampai di sini. Sampai jumpa lagi pada postingan tips dan trik IELTS lainnya.

Jika butuh guru private IELTS, silahkan kontak di nomor 0813-1033-6583 atau 0813-1818-6060

Sabtu, 03 Juni 2017

Cara Sukses Menjawab Line Graph (Waste) IELTS Writing Task 1

Sebagai Contributor Essay Forum, tiap hari saya membaca tulisan siswa yang masuk ke forum ini. Dan tiba saatnya satu esai IELTS task 1 tentang Waste Graph yang menarik perhatian saya yang kemudian akan dibahas di blog kali ini. 

Berikut judul dan gambar dari grafiknya  :
The graph below shows the amounts of waste produced by three companies over a period of 15 years.

Hal pertama yang wajib kamu lakukan adalah dengan mengelompokan trend yang ada. 

Kali ini saya akan mengelompokan Company A dan B menjadi satu bagian paragraf yang sama, karena menunjukkan trend yang “menurun”, lalu Company C akan saya bahas di paragraf isi berikutnya.

Tapi sebelum menulis paragraf isi, kamu wajib membuat “Overview” yang menggambarkan trend grafik secara keseluruhan. Overview dapat kamu tempatkan di awal paragraf bersamaan dengan kalimat pembuka ataupun di paragraf akhir.

Berikut contoh yang saya buat:

Kalimat Pembuka:
This graph presents tonnes of waste produced in three different companies for every five years, from 2000 to 2015. 

Kalimat Overview:
The amounts of waste created from Company A and B 
showed dramatic decreases. This contrasted to the waste product of the Company C increasing gradually.

Paragraf isi 1:
After reaching a high of 12 tonnes in the first year, the amount of waste produced by Company A continued to decline dramatically to the 2000 company's B figure. As it can be seen in the Company B, the amount of waste generated rose gradually to 10 tonnes in 2005, but the converse would be true for the subsequent years and then hitting a low of 3 tonnes over the ten-year period.

Paragraf isi 2:
Although company C was close behind when it came to waste product in the 2000, this trend showed an upward trend from 4 to 6 tonnes in first 5 years and then continuously rose to overtake the figures for Company A and C in years of 2010 onwards. 

Jika digabungkan, isi keseluruhan esai sebagai berikut: 
This graph presents tonnes of waste produced in three different companies for every five years, from 2000 to 2015. The amounts of waste created from Company A and B showed dramatic decreases. This contrasted to the waste product of the Company C increasing gradually. 
After reaching a high of 12 tonnes in the first year, the amount of waste produced by Company A continued to decline dramatically to the 2000 company's B figure. As it can be seen in the Company B, the amount of waste generated rose gradually to 10 tonnes in 2005, but the converse would be true for the subsequent years and then hitting a low of 3 tonnes over the ten-year period. 
 Although Company C was close behind when it came to waste product in the 2000, this trend showed an upward trend from 4 to 6 tonnes in first 5 years and then continuously rose to overtake the figures for Company A and C in years of 2010 onwards. 
Oke, sementara itu skil IELTS yang saya share kali ini. Semoga dapat membantu meningkatkan pengetahuan kamu tentang IELTS Writing task 1, khususnya Line Graph. 

Bagi kamu yang ingin belajar IELTS Online secara Gratis, silahkan bergabung di Group Facebook kami di sini

Rabu, 17 Mei 2017

Cara menjawab soal IELTS Writing task 1 ala Kampung Inggris Pare (with a score of 7+)

Banyak jalan menuju Roma. Hal ini juga berlaku dalam penulisan Writing Report Task 1 pada perolehan skor 7+.

Salah satu cara yang paling cepat dan mudah digunakan dalam penyusunan report writing task 1 adalah dengan membagi paragraf berdasarkan tahun. Contohnya sebagai berikut:

Body Paragraph 1
  • 1900 and 1950
  • Key Features: Agriculture = the highest vs the lowest one = Business and Financial. 
Berikut contoh kalimat yang saya buat: 
The figure for the Agriculture sector in the UK economy accounted for 48% in the initial year. This continued to rise slightly in the 1950 year. The contribution made by the other sectors: Business and Financial was very low, although this showed a slight rise from 1900 to 1950, between 3% and 8%, an increase of 5% in a 50-year period. This contrasted to the sector of Manufacturing experiencing a downward trend to 40% in the second year.          
Body Paragraph 2
  • 1975 and 2000
  • Key Features: Decrease for manufacturing and agriculture vs Business and Financial = increase
Berikut contoh kalimat yang saya buat: 
1975 to 2000 saw downwards in the Manufacturing sector at 18% followed by the trend for Agriculture coming last in the eventual year, at almost 1%, and those contributed the small percentages. The reverse appeared to be true for the importance of Business and Financial increasing to the 1975 year Manufacturing’s sector in 2000 and therefore this became the most important sector from all described on the graph.
Saya sengaja tidak menuliskan Introduction and Overview, karena saya memberikan Anda kesempatan untuk melakukan itu. 

Jika Anda telah menyelesaikan penulisan Introduction and Overview, atau Anda memiliki cara lain dalam menyusun paragraf isi (body paragraphs) yang dapat digunakan dalam menjawab pertanyaan yang disajikan pada sesi Writing Task 1 di atas, silahkan posting jawaban Anda di Group Facebook di sini, dengan senang hati saya akan memberikan feedback terhadap performance Anda.

* Dalam penulisan Introduction, Anda cukup membahasakan ulang dengan bahasa Anda (paraphase) judul yang Ada di atas: The graph below shows the contribution of three sectors-agriculture manufacturing, and business and financial services- to the UK economy in the twentieth century.

** Sesi ini pernah saya ajarkan di Kelas IELTS English Studio Indonesia Kampung Inggris Pare 

Link FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/904423256333332/

gambar: ieltsadvantage.com


Mengundang Seminar/ Workshop IELTS: 

0813.1818.6060 atau 0813.1033.6583

Rabu, 23 Desember 2015

Face to Face with Writing IELTS

There are two tasks that test taker can find in writing test. In the first task, test taker has to write for about 150 words; meanwhile it takes about 250 words in the second task. So, what is the difference?

In the first task, test taker has to show his or her ability in describing some visual information. It can be in the form of graph, table, chart, or diagram. The time given to complete this task is 20 minutes.

Selasa, 17 November 2015

IELTS Writing Task 1: Understand the Importance of Vocabulary

One of the most important points in execution of IELTS writing task 1 is to mastery so many vocabularies. There are some aspects which include in scope like correct spelling, words duplication, and vocabulary utilizing in the broad sense. A reliable resource said that the participants of IELTS prohibited to do vocabulary writing excessive for maximizing the score. The structure of grammar and vocabulary will determine the score. There some types of vocabulary test that will be explained below:

1. IELTS Vocabulary for Conditional Purpose
In this section, you’ll find some sentences that show a requirement to do something. Usually, the writing of these sentences use “if” as the marker of a condition.
  • You can borrow my book if you return it before you go home.
If can be replaced by providing that. From the sentence above we can see that the first person want to do something for the second one if the second person do something wanted by the first one.
  • You can’t go abroad if you don’t have any passport.
We can replace the word under the red circle with unless. In this sentence, the person can’t do something because he or she doesn’t fulfill something required.
The word “if” can also be replaced by another words or phrases like no matter how, as long as, on condition that, however many, and wherever which all of these, have the different condition.              

2. IELTS Vocabulary for Changes
In addition of explaining a condition, a word may has more than one meaning at the different context of sentences. Let’s take a look for some examples below:
  • We need some batteries to adapt this flashlight. adapt means recharge
  • The Palestine societies have to adapt the politic condition of their country. adapt means conform or fit in.
3. IELTS Vocabulary for How Something Works
We can explain the use of an object with a phrase or vocabulary. For example, there are some steps of making tea with no hot water available:

  • Fill the kettle with water.
  • Heat up the water on the stove.
  • While waiting for boiling water, prepare a glass fill with tea and some sugar.
  • After the boiling water is ready, lift the kettle from the stove.
  • Pour some boiling water to the glass prepared.
4. IELTS Vocabulary for Writing Letter
There are some phrases that commonly used in writing a letter like the example below:
  • Dear Sir/ Madam explain greetings to somebody who sent the letter.
  • I would like to….. explain the intention of letter.
  • As you requested, I enclose…… explain eligibility which has been asked before.
  • I look forward to hearing from you soon explain a response to wait a reply of letter.
  • Thank you for your attention saying thanks to mail receiver.                                                            
5. IELTS Vocabulary for Presenting an Argument
For example, there are some sentences that being randomized. These sentences explain about somebody who is confusing to choose whether going to university or spending a year travelling around the world after school. Arrange these paragraphs to understand the arguments.
  1. Not only getting a job immediately, but also getting a good job with a good salary. (4)
  2. After that, if I have spare time, maybe I can follow a trip around the world. (5)
  3. I have to decide should I go to university or spend a year travelling around the world? (1)
  4. But, there are many advances of going to university. (2)
  5. Because I will get my qualifications immediately and I can find a job early. (3)
  • I have to decide should I go to university or spend a year travelling around the world?
  • But, there are many advances of going to university.
  • Because I will get my qualifications immediately and I can find a job early.
  • Not only getting a job immediately, but also getting a good job with a good salary.
  • After that, if I have spare time, maybe I can follow a trip around the world.
I hope this article can help you to learn about IELTS writing task 1 especially for understanding the use of vocabulary. Good luck.

Sumber: www.ielts-exam.net

IELTS Writing Task 1: Explaining a Diagram Process

Usually a diagram explains the performance of an object. To catch up the meaning of a diagram, we should be focus to understand all of it components. There are some common step which is used to view diagram model like finding the primary part of it, relationship between its components, then command of a step that shown in diagram, and terminated by some buttons that might help you to understand the meaning of the process. For example, we have a base operation diagram of hydraulic lift as reported on: 



1.     Lift carriage (F)              
2.     Control button (A)                    
3.     Piston (G)                                   
4.     Electric wires (C)                       
5.     Hydraulic fluid (B)
6.     Piston housing (I)
7.     Pump (H)
8.     Valve (E)
9.     Fluid tank (D)

We can finish this task by the solution below:

In outline, the diagram illustrates the performance of a hydraulic lift. The system also consists of some parts like the lift carriage where the passengers stand on it, a piston that cause rise and fall the load and a pipes track that carry hydraulic fluid.

The passenger could raise or lowering the lift by pressing the “up” control button that causes fluid movement from the tank into the bottom of the fluid tank. We will see that the piston get pressed up. When the fluid fills up the piston, its position will be rise. The lift carriage that related to the top of piston will be forced up to. As we can see at the diagram, the flow of hydraulic fluid represent by the blue arrows. The process when the passengers want to get down almost the same with the previous case. The differences are located on the control button that should be pressed, followed by process flow of fluid and the piston. An electric signal is sent so the pump will be switch off when the “down” control button pressed. Simultaneously, a signal also sent to a valve in front of the pump to cut the fluid’s flow from the piston back to the fluid tank. The reversing flow shown in the diagram represent by the red arrows. The piston and lift would be brought back down caused by the gravity. 

From the discussion above we can see that there are three main parts of describing a process like:

  • Process
    • In this part we have to describe the performance of an object. We need to watch this stage carefully.
  • Object
    • We should describe something or someone that related to the diagram.
  • Data
    • We should describe the changes and trends of the data.

These are tips and tricks about IELTS Writing Task 1: Explaining a Diagram Process, good luck.

IELTS Writing Task 1 How To Answering a Question Containing Graph or Diagram?

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) has a purpose to examine somebody’s ability in studying or working with English as the part of those things. IELTS is held under the command of a group that consist of 
University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (Cambridge ESOL), British Council and IDP, and IELTS Australia. IELTS has a highest international standard of language assessment. There are some steps that had to be followed by the participants of  IELTS, for example IELTS Writing Task I.

Senin, 16 November 2015

IELTS Writing Task 1: Golden Rules of Writing Task 1

Remember that this takes about 20 minutes. You write a report about a graph, table, bar chart or diagram, using a minimum of 150 words. You are marked on task completion and use of range of vocabulary and grammar, organization and development. 

Do Task 1 first. There is a reason why it is Task 1. From the psychological point of view, it gives you a sense of accomplishment when you have finished it. A common feature of the writing process is the concept of getting oneself going. With the shorter task you can get yourself into your stride in writing. By the time you start Task 2, you’ll then be much more alert and perform Task 2 much more efficiently.

IELTS Writing Task 1: How to prepare for Task 1

This article describes how to prepare for Task 1. First, become familiar with the graph types, for example bar, and line graphs. Do lots of practice exercises in describing graphs. Practice identifying key information in graphs and charts. Practices working out what graph axes represent. Become familiar with a variety of ways to:

Minggu, 15 November 2015

IELTS Writing Task 1: Objects/How Something Works

This part of the test will test your ability to describe objects or describe how something works. See the example below.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The diagrams below show how to plumb in a washing machine.
Summarize the information by describing the main features and explaining how a washing machine works.
You should write at least 150 words.

IELTS Writing Task 1: Processes or Flow Charts

This part of the test will test your ability to describe something. Here’s the example describing the stages of a process/procedure.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The following flowchart shows the process students at an English language school go through.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

IELTS Writing Task 1: Describe Bar charts, line graphs, pie charts and tables

This part of the test will test your ability to perform one or more of the following functions in English:
  • -          Describe graphic data,
  • -          Describe the stages of a process/procedure,
  • -          Describe an event/sequence of events,
  • -          Explain how something works.
Bar charts, line graphs, pie charts and tables are most frequently given for the test. However, you could also be given an object/series of pictures/diagrams/flow chart to describe.

If graphs are used there may be just one, usually a line graph or a bar chart. However, there could also be more than one of the same type of graph or combination of graphs and charts. For example, you could get a bar chart and a pie chart together (see Cambridge IELTS 1, page 31) or a line graph and a table.

Remember that the length time to do this task is 20 minutes and you have to write at least 150 words. Your performance in Task 1 will be assessed on some criteria:
  • -          Task Achievement: follow the instruction properly, write a clear, accurate and relevant description of the information. Focus on the important trends presented as graphic information.
  • -          Coherence & Cohesion: organize your writing by using a suitable structure. Use connective words to link sentences and paragraph logically.
  • -          Lexical: use a wide range of vocabulary naturally, spell accurately and use appropriate words.
  • -          Grammatical Accuracy: use a good grammatical structure accurately and use a variety of sentence structures.

Here’s the example…
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
How students in Britain spend their free time (5 or more hours a week).

How to do Task 1:
-          Spend about 5 minutes reading the graphs or charts, and preparing your answer.
-          Understand what the axis on the graphs or the percentages in the pie charts represent.
-          There will be too much info to describe every detail, please focus on the key information.
-          If there are 2 graphs/charts look for ways to compare the data.
-          Think about the time period and the tenses you must be using.
-          Varying your vocab but avoiding repetition by using synonyms.
-          Organize your information clearly. Use introduction-body-conclusion.
-          Don’t copy phrases from the question. Use your own words.
-          You’ll receive a higher mark if you use a wide range of structures & vocab.
-          An opinion is considered as irrelevant for this task.

Good luck!
Reference: How to Prepare for IELTS Writing. City University of Hongkong: English Language Center.

Criteria in Writing IELTS

In Writing IELTS, there are two tasks that you have to complete. Each task is assessed independently. However, it should be noted that task 2 carries more weight in marking compared to task 1. There is a slight difference between scoring criteria of task 1 and task 2. Check the difference as follows.

Selasa, 01 September 2015

ESSAY IELTS TASK 1: Fishing Village Development

Fishing Village Development

The diagrams below show the development of a small fishing village and its surrounding area into a large European tourist resort. 

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 
Write 150 words.

Sample Answer:

The development of a small fishing village and its ambiance in Europe has been plainly shown in these two diagrams from 1974 to 2004. Overall, there was a massive rise in total population 130,000 in 2004, where was used to be 12,000 in 1974.

In 2004, the number of hotels had changed the harbor and the boats along the beach. In the same time, the woodland simply switched to golf course, and olive plants entirely replaced with farmland (fruit and vegetable for hotels). It was a curvy road as a result of demolishing cattle: sheep and goats which significantly showed through the beach.

Also, there were several fundamental changes for a village which is near to the mountain, where the village council added tourist shops, connected to the farmland and homes of locals in 2004. Interestingly, the original village had no changes in between 1974 and 2004.

In conclusion, the development of total population in a small coastal village is boomed in a large tourist place. 

Note:  This model has posted in TestBig.com with a keyword: eddysuaib, a site for submitting an essay and literally which have thousands of readers worldwide, as syndicated across the globe.