Jumat, 25 April 2014

Mendengarkan Berita "Asing"

Saat anda mempersiapkan ujian IELTS, hal pertama yang akan disarankan pada anda adalah perbanyak mendengarkan berita dalam bahasa Inggris. Banyak yang mengatakan bahwa hal tersebut merupakan `cara terbaik untuk memperluas kosakata. Sebetulnya cara ini tidak hanya membantu dalam tes Listening IELTS tetapi juga tes Speakingnya.

Tak kalah pentingnya, anda juga perlu mengetahui apa yang sedang terjadi di dunia saat ini. Hal ini akan memberi anda cukup banyak topik pembicaraan. Topik-topik tersebut akan membantu anda menciptakan kesempatan bercakap-cakap dengan menyenangkan dengan orang lain dalam berbahasa Inggris dan juga bahasa lainnya.

Namun, tentu saja, anda tidak bisa hanya terpaku mendengarkan dan mengetahui berita terbaru. Banyak yang mempraktikkan cara di atas namun gagal meraih cukup nilai dalam IELTS. Umumnya ini dikarenakan mereka terlalu terfokus pada mencari berita. Terlalu fokus pada pencarian hanya akan memberi anda sedikit informasi sehingga sedikit pula kosakata yang anda dapat kuasai. Fokus pada berita akan lebih banyak membantu anda.

Sebaiknya, buatlah catatan bulletin berita setiap harinya. Anda bisa memperolehnya dari berita di televisi atau bahkan lewat radio. berita televisi biasanya akan lebih mudah dipahami ketimbang berita radio. Pada berita di televisi, anda tidak hanya mendapat berita tetapi juga petunjuk visual melalui gambar tayangan tentang subyek yang dibahas. Meski demikian, berita radio tetap lebih menantang. Anda bias memilih bulletin berita dari BBC atau Foxnews misalnya yang lebih mudah dipahami karena tidak menggunakan aksen khusus daerah tertentu dalam pelafalan beritanya.

Pilihlah salah satu topik saja dari bulletin yang telah anda catat. Anda dapat memilih subyek yang anda sukai seperti tentang buku favorit atau hobi anda. Topik yang berkaitan dengan daerah asal anda juga dapat menjadi hal yang menarik. Keuntungannya anda akan lebih paham dengan latar belakang dan kosakata yang berkaitan dengan subyek anda pilih.

Kegunaan Tanda Baca

Tanda baca digunakan untuk menciptakan rasa, kejelasan dan penekanan dalam kalimat. Anda menggunakan tanda baca untuk menstruktur dan merancang karangan anda. Tanda yang paling umum adalah tanda titik (.), koma (,), tanda seru (!), tanda Tanya (?), titik dua (:) dan titik koma (;), tanda petik (“), tanda apostrof (‘), tanda garis (-), serta tanda kurung. Huruf capital juga digunakan untuk membantu kita merancang makna dan menstruktur rasa karangan kita.

Anda tentu langsung memahami mengapa tanda baca sangatlah penting jika anda mencoba dan membaca kalimat berikut yang sama sekali tidak memiliki tanda baca:

perhaps you dont always need to use commas periods colons etc to make sentences clear when i am in a hurry tired cold lazy or angry i sometimes leave out punctuation marks grammar is stupid i can write without it and dont need it my uncle Harry once said he was not very clever and i never understood a word he wrote to me i think ill learn some punctuation not too much enough to write to Uncle Harry he needs some help

Sekarang mari lihat kalimat-kalimat yang diberi tanda baca, lihatlah perbedaannya!

Perhaps you don't always need to use commas, periods, colons etc. to make sentences clear. When I am in a hurry, tired, cold, lazy, or angry I sometimes leave out punctuation marks.
"Grammar is stupid! I can write without it and don't need it." my uncle Harry once said. He was not very clever and I never understood a word he wrote to me. I think I'll learn some punctuation - not too much, enough to write to Uncle Harry. He needs some help!

Jangan lupa untuk selalu menyertakan tanda baca di setiap karangan yang anda tulis agar lebih bermakna.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris
Kampung Inggris Pare

Belajar IELTS Mudah, Anda akan Bisa Mendapat Nilai Toefl 500 Keatas!

Inilah momen terbaik untuk Belajar IELTS Mudah. Belajar di tempat yang satu ini juga akan memberikan anda kemudahan supaya nantinya bisa memperoleh nilai toefl yang luar biasa. Anda akan belajar mengenai resep rahasia yang fantastis mengenai bagaimana cara untuk menghadapi tes tersebut. Jika anda mampu untuk melakukannya dengan benar maka sudah pasti nilai toefl yang mampu untuk mencapai angka 500 ke atas akan bisa anda dapatkan dengan sangat mudah.

Belajar di IELTS dengan Pembimbing Terpercaya
Melalui Belajar IELTS Mudah, anda akan dibimbing denga para ahli yang terpercaya dan juga berkualitas dibidangnya. Tentu saja ini adalah keuntungan signifikan yang akan membuat anda semakin betah untuk belajar di tempat yang satu ini. Anda akan mampu untuk belajar bahasa inggris baik itu membaca, menulis, maupun menyimak semua hal yang anda butuhkan.

Belajar di IELTS ternyata Tidak Sulit
Kemudian, Belajar IELTS Mudah juga bisa anda temukan karena nantinya anda akan mampu mengetahui bahwa belajar bahas inggris itu ternyata sangat mudah untuk dilakukan. Bagi anda yang masih merasa bahwa bahasa inggris itu sangat sulit, maka dengan belajar bahasa inggris di tempat yang satu ini anda akan bisa merasa bahwa belajar bahasa inggris itu sangatlah mudah untuk dilakukan. Ditambah lagi, anda nantinya akan bisa mendapatkan kelengkapan belajar yang sesuai dengan yang anda butuhkan selama ini. Kursus tersebut tentu saja adalah sesuatu yang penting untuk anda miliki.

Belajar Grammar Bahasa Inggris Mudah dan Murah Tanpa Kursus

Bila anda merupakan seseorang yang sudah berumur, memilih untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan mendaftarkan diri di tempat-tempat kursus tentunya bukan merupakan pilihan yang tepat. Selainanda akan merasa malu karena kebanyakan siswa masih muda, belajar di tempat kursus biasanya juga mahal biayanya.

Tips Belajar Grammar Bahasa Inggris Mudah Tanpat Kursus

Dalam hal ini, anda bisa memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi seperti gadget yang tersambung dengan internet. Kemudian, anda hanya perlu duduk manis di kamar sambil nyemil, sembari mencari materi-materi terkait Bahasa Inggris di google. Untuk memudahkan anda, sebaiknya anda belajar materi-materi dasarnya dulu, seperti jenis kata dan kalimat. Hal ini penting, sebab susunan kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris juga dibedakan berdasarkan waktu yang memiliki jenis kalimat berbeda. Selain itu, untuk Belajar Grammar Bahasa Inggris Mudah, anda bisa memulainya dari mempelajari objek-objek yang ada di sekitar anda.

Pengaplikasian Belajar Grammar Bahasa Inggris Mudah Tanpa Kursus

Bila anda memiliki akun-akun media sosial yang terhubung dengan dunia internasional, maka hal tersebut bisa anda jadikan sebagai modal utama bila ingin Belajar Grammar Bahasa Inggris Mudah. Caranya, pertama-tama anda harus mencari banyak teman dari luar negeri yang mampu berbahasa Inggris. Sebaiknya anda tidak mencari orang yang berasal dari kawasan Asia Timur. Sebab, mereka jarang yang menggunakan Bahasa Inggris karena lebih cinta dengan bahasa ibu mereka masing-masing. Kemudian, ajaklah mereka berkomunikasi dan utarakan niat anda untuk belajar bahasa.

Belajar IELTS Mudah, Sistem Pembelajaran yang Menarik dan Terpercaya

Semua orang tau bahwa Belajar IELTS Mudah itu merupakan sebuah keuntungan yang besar. Anda akan mendapati sebuah tempat kursus online yang mampu memberikan anda banyak sekali ilmu pengetahuan mengenai bahasa inggris yang baru. Anda akan bisa pintar dalam belajar bahasa inggris dalam waktu yang cepat tentunya. Nantinya anda juga akan bisa menemukan teknik yang up to date mengenai bagaimana untuk belajar bahasa inggris dengan mudah.

Belajar di IELTS Mudah, Kenapa Ya?
Mengapa Belajar IELTS Mudah? Nantinya anda akan dikenalkan dengan sistem pembelajaran bahasa inggris yang baru yang tidak pernah anda duga sebelumnya. Sistem tersebut tentunya sangat bermanfaat sekali bagi anda yang ingin mahir dalam bahasa inggris tanpa kesulitan. Semua itu nantinya akan membuat anda merasakan sebuah pengalaman belajar yang menarik dan sesuai dengan yang anda inginkan.

Pembicara Native di Kursus Bahasa Inggris IELTS
Selanjutnya, Belajar IELTS Mudah juga dikarenakan anda akan langsung diajari oleh pembicara yang native. Dengan langsung berinteraksi melalui pakar yang berasal dari Negara yang menggunakan bahasa inggris, tentu saja anda akan nantinya bsia terbiasa untuk bercakap dengan orang menggunakan bahasa inggris sehingga saat nanti masuk di dunia kerja anda tidak akan menjadi canggung. Inilah yang merupakan salah satu keutamaan dari belajar di IELTS dibandingkan dengan tempat yang lainnya. Saatnya bagi anda untuk mulai belajar bahasa inggris dengan sarana yang memadai dan mudah untuk dipahami.

Selasa, 22 April 2014

IELTS: Latih Pengucapan Anda

Berbicara adalah kelemahan bagi orang yang baru mulai belajar (yang mempelajari bahasa Inggris lewat buku dan kaset). Terlebih lagi, di Negara yang tidak menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa ibu, mengembangkan kecakapan berbahasa Inggris sangatlah sulit. Pengucapan kata merupakan salah satu bagian yang amat penting dalam berbahasa.

Kamis, 20 Maret 2014

IELTS writing FREE tips

Task 2 responses are assessed on:
Task Response,Coherence and Cohesion,Lexical Resource,Grammatical Range and Accuracy.

Most students/teachers focus on vocabulary and grammar so they will not score high bands in writing. IELTS writing need 4 competencies as above mentioned and all of those are equally weighed. So don't try to focus overly just on grammar and vocabulary but think about coherency/cohesions and task response/relevancy. How?

Task response/relevancy :
This criterion assesses how appropriately, accurately and relevantly the response fulfils the requirements set out in the task, using the minimum of 150 words. General Training Writing Task 1 is a writing task with a largely predictable output in that each task sets out the context and purpose of the letter and the functions the candidate should cover in order to achieve this purpose.

Required skill for Task response: analyse the question word by word not by sentence or sub topic/main topic wise.Remember your 25 words of e*ssay topic is the one going to be more 250 words.So you should equally focus on your e*ssay topic and expand it appropriately ( equal distribution).

Coherency = explain the reason clearly and develop sequences logically.*This criterion is concerned with the overall clarity and fluency of the message: how the response organises and links information, ideas and language. Coherence refers to the linking of ideas through logical sequencing*.

Just Use one point (only) in each paragraph( to avoid confusion).Each ideas should be supported with sub-ideas with linkers.A good paragraph can answer 4 questions such as WHAT,WHY,HOW and EXAMPLE.
what? what is the point you want to state( I disagree with public smoking)
Why? just write a valid reason in few words but no more than a sentence.(smoking related health issues)
How? Explain clearly and develop/expand the REASON/WHY part.(public smoking-->nicotine-->exposure+ environment-->inhale+others-->lungs-->blood-->deposited or so on .Explain the phases clearly how public smoking causes health issues.So develop clearly and logically)
RELEVANT EXAMPLE: just don't use any example but relevant.

The Coherence part can be done several ways but logical sequence  is very crucial.I have done a rough example there for you but it is only a possible approach.Therefore,Clarity is the main key .Coherence is more elusive but it has a lot to do with the way that the propositional content of texts is organised. If the content of a (written) text is organised in such a way that it fulfills the reader's expectations, it is more likely to achieve its communicative effect. This means that learners can be helped to write coherent texts through the analysis of the generic features of particular text types. This has long been the approach to teaching business, technical, and academic writing.  More important still, is second-guessing the intended reader's questions, and then answering them. This means that it is important that, when doing writing tasks, students have a clear idea both of the purpose of the text, and of the intended readership. Good writers are able to "keep their reader in mind". Keeping your reader in mind does not guarantee coherence, but it would seem to be a prerequisite. Â

To combine logical sequence in an order ,use COHESIONS/LINKERS
Google linkers/cohesions or pleas check this out for more info ----->(http://www.onestopenglish.com/support/ask-the-experts/methodology-questions/methodology-coherence-and-cohesion/154867.article)

https://www.teachers.cambridgeesol.org/ts/exams/academicenglish/ielts/academicwriting?tab=marked <---- Academic writing

https://www.teachers.cambridgeesol.org/ts/exams/academicenglish/ielts/generaltrainingwriting?tab=marked <-----General writing

IELTS coaching How to find appropriate TITLE/HEADING

This is one of the possible approaches.
Theory: most repeated keyword or meaning for heading/title.

Tourism is a leisure activity which presupposes its opposite namely regulated and organised work It is one manifestation of how work and leisure are organised as separate and regulated spheres of social practice in modern societies Indeed acting as a tourist is one of the defining characteristics of being modern’ and the popular concept of tourism is that it is organised within particular places and occurs for regularised periods of time Tourist relationships arise from a movement of people to and their stay in various destinations This necessarily involves some movement that is the journey and a period of stay in a new place or places The journey and the stay are by definition outside the normal places of residence and work and are of a short term and temporary nature and there is a clear intention to return“home within a relatively short period of time\


i The politics of tourism
ii The cost of tourism
iii Justifying the study of tourism
iv Tourism contrasted with travel
v The essence of modern tourism
vi Tourism versus leisure
vii The artificiality of modern tourism
viii The role of modern tour guides
ix Creating an alternative to the everyday experience

key words of the given paragraph:
namely,manifestation,separate and regulated practice,modern,indeed,defining charecteristic,modern,popular concept,tourism ,particular, necessarily, journey journey ,definition,clear intention.

Now organize these key words in an order.
order1:namely,define/defining characteristic,particular,necessarily,clear intention,indeed
order3:separate and regulate

OK this is just to organize keywords in an order so that one can get answer quickly.

i The politics of tourism
ii The cost of tourism
iii Justifying the study of tourism
iv Tourism contrasted with travel
v The essence of modern tourism
vi Tourism versus leisure
vii The artificiality of modern tourism
viii The role of modern tour guides
ix Creating an alternative to the everyday experience

These are the given titles and we have to choose one out of it.
1. politics of tourism= the keywords never mentions about politics so it can't be the answer
2.cost of tourism=not mentioned anywhere about cost though tourism mentioned.so avoid it
3.justifying the study of tourism= no mention about justify or its synonyms
4tourism contrasted with travel. though tourism and travel mentioned there but it aint contrasting or no keyword match for contrast.
5.the essence of modern tourism------> this is the answer why? essence means basic,must,backbone,necessary or see the order1,you will see the matching keywords/meaning.lets try the other threads then
6.tourism versus leisure.though tourism and leisure is there ,versus aka compared(similar) or against isn't there.It says tourism is a leisure activity instead so it is a definition.So it doesn't match either.
7artificiality isn't there as a keyword or its meaning.so it can't be the answer.
8the role of modern tour guides. very simple because it never mentions about either any roles or guides so it cant be.
9 same here no keyword matching ----> creating? alternative? everyday??? experience????

So the answer is 5th that is THE ESSENCE OF MODERN TOURISM. you cant see the title words either with the first line or with the last lines but the answer keywords should be repeated in the paragraph.

Essence is repeated as you see---->namely,define/defining characteristic,particular,necessarily,clear intention,indeed,popular,characteristic

char·ac·ter·is·tic meaning:(dictionary.com)
man·i·fest: readily perceived by the eye or the understanding; evident; obvious; apparent; plain
so these words are all supporting the title word ESSENSE

"MODERN" has been repeated 2 times as you can see.so the repeated keyword
tourism also repeated minimum 2 times and also writer used tourism by a pronoun "IT"(i reckon more than 2 ,IT has been used)

Therefore, the answer is THE ESSENCE OF MODERN TOURISM

To do IELTS test one needs techniques not just English.I have plenty of techniques to enhance any student's current score as quick as possible.This is just a gratuitous offer from me for a candidate to understand what is IELTS.So don't keep on trying with your luck because $320 for each sitting is not very cheap. Please don't blame me if you can't get answers for other questions since this is only an approach to get answer.Having been said, there are many possible approaches ( these I will teach you in my class sessions).It is often true that just relying on your level of English will never help you in IELTS because IELTS skills are beyond the scope of ENGLISH as a language.So as to say, learn techniques and logic.

What if I can help you to increase your score?A score of 7 isn't a big deal if you have some strategies as I mentioned above.Then, contact me ( don't judge a book by it's cover)

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IELTS writing check list for band 9

Task achievement : 5
How effectively the
candidate has identified,
illustrated and reflected the
key features of the
information in the task

Coherency and Cohesions: 5
How well the information
and ideas are organised,
presented and linked

Vocabulary :5

The range of vocabulary
used, how accurately it is
used and how appropriate it
is for the task

Grammar range and accuracy: 5
The range of structures
used, how accurately they
are used and how
APPROPRIATE they are for the

All these criteria are equally weighed so out of 9 band,each criterion can be 2.25 band.So,International students need to focus on the other criteria such as Task response and Coherency+cohesions.Since Grammar and vocabulary overly focused,a testee can only have a full band in both criteria which is 4.25 band.However, Most average to intermediate students can get a 3.0- 3.5 band out of 4.25 band.

There is a common myth I found observed from international students that pedantic way of writing will get them a high band and the reason behind this is precise or concise writing.Ironically,IELTS has no marks for precise/concise writing.To learn precise writing it needs minimum of 6 months to 1 year practice because it needs re-editing while one practices.On the other hand,IELTS writing task 2 is less than 40 minutes task.So it is hard to accomplish it.Albeit,many commercialised language schools are misleading students to write precisely or "precise writing".The hidden idea is to extend their course as a result more tuition fee to teach.

If you look through IELTS.org website,it shows "how its marked".So it is very clear to understand how to achieve high score by understanding the criteria.However,many testees are over confident about the first 2 criteria ( task response and coherency) when they are not very sure about it.

The common mistake they do with IELTS writing task 2 is, no relevancy to the back ground or topic question.Next one is, not explaining well logically.Even though your grammar and vocabulary are accurate and appropriate to the task,it is not enough to score a band of 7.Because the score will be as follows ( 1+1.5+1.5+1.5) which is 5.5 in total.However,it can go up to 6.5 if they try their best.

Every IELTS question task needs "reasoning" ( use your reason: please find the task question under any IELTS question topic ).So if one can logically explain well they can surely achieve a high band score but HOW? Task response and coherency need logical explanation and organization.While increasing these both criteria, one can can get 2 band in each which will result as follows ( 2band in task response, 2 band coherency+coherency,grammar 1.5 and vocabulary 1.5,so in total 4+3 -7 band).

I have personal experience from Brisbane for making many students from 5.5 band to 7 band less than 2 weeks.The method was teaching them how to write logically than focusing overly on grammar or vocabulary.However,there are some stiff necked students who may argue just opposite but I will advice them to go for 6 to one year practice under any language school since they believe vocabulary and grammar are the major points in an ess@y.They don't care about the logical explanation of an Ess@y.If an ess@y is not informative with a logical reasoning ,then the ess@y isn"t purposive but to impress the reader with their ostentatious style.

IELTS ess@y require content and reasoning and if a testee has both criteria it is very likely to get 7.5 band (2.25+2.0+1.5+1.5).7.25 will be rounded to 7.5 band.However,grammar and vocabulary are important to get 8 or higher than 8.In my observation,most average to intermediate testees score in grammar is 1.75 band and vocabulary is 2 band.
So before booking a next exam date, understand these marking criteria level and practice accordingly.Check your ess@ys by using criteria list.
Or if you want me to help with logical writing to get a band of 7 or higher reply to this advert or contact me 

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Is IELTS only an English language test or a Logic test as well?

My answer to this question is " it is both".If so how?

gap fill or sentence completion requires:

Identifying, Analysing skills, Grammar and vocabulary skills and Semantic skills.

Match the heading needs:
Identifying the correct words or vocabulary and analysing.No grammar skills required (normally).However, finding the match from the first sentence or last sentence is not a proper methodology.

This view point type of questions need "verbal reasoning" in other words, testees need to have logic to judge the answer. This part has requires more logic than vocabulary or grammar skills.

Multiple choice questions or ABCD pattern
Candidates must have a strong reasoning here to find the correct answer because most answers will be matching out of the given options.So comparison skills are mandatory in order to achieve all the answers as correct. If your style is inductive then you may get out of 6 or 7 out of 10 questions.But if you use deductive style, it will be 9 out of 10 or 10 out of 10.

Ielts reading,writing and speaking parts need REASONING or constructive logic. for example, In writing part 2, candidates are always being asked for REASONS which you will normally see just below your ess@y topic. If you do not have valid or strong reasons, you may loose 1.5 band.So just focusing on vocabulary or grammar in order to get 7 or higher is not enough.Even if you have advanced grammar and controlled vocabulary range,you will not score more than 7 band.This is because of IELTS writing assessment criteria.Each candidate must read the ielts criteria (refer ---> http://www.ielts.org/PDF/UOBDs_WritingT2.pdf).Candidates can not achieve high band just by vocabulary or grammar skills as writing task criteria are valued equally.
For example:
task response 9
coherency and cohesions 9
vocabulary 9
grammar and punctuations 9

These will be divided by 4 to get an arithmetic mean so 36/4 =9
If you can work out these criteria, even if you score 9 each in grammar and vocabulary,it is unlikely to get a score more than 7 band.
For example:
task response of a candidate 6 out of 9
coherence and cohesions 6 out of 9
vocabulary = 8 out of 9
grammar 8 out of 9
total is 6+6+8+8=26/4 =6.5 or a maximum of 7band ( if they are lucky)
Some candidates believe they are good at cohesions but in reality their usage of cohesions are inappropriate and it seems they can impress examiners just using cohesions without having any accuracy.Coherence or organisation is also a weak point of many students.So it makes their ess@y very difficult to follow as a result unity of a paragraph and "loose paragraphs" ( refer or search these further).A well supported ess@y can score higher than a pedantic or ostentatiously written ess@y because the task given there is mainly to argue,therefore,students need to prove their ideas or points.

The same skills are required in speaking apart from Pronunciation.1

Many students practice IELTS without these above skills and they are unaware of these competencies.So they practice their own and get the same score.
Here is the difference those students can make! I tutor IELTS (all sub-tests both general or academic) in a different style ( almost guaranteed).90% students increased 1.5 band score in 3 weeks as a result.My tutoring style is "known to unknown" or in other words, I do not just look at the answers and say "this is wrong or right".Instead of doing those "ineffective methods",I lead any student into the answer and give more explanations or a possible personification.

For example: I have $55 ( if this statement is true)

the Question is ---> I have $56 ( true/false/not given)

My approach here is ;the second statement is not true because 55 is not 56. but it doesn't contradict each other as well so it is not FALSE. However many students asked me why it is not a FALSE. Reason behind this is,the first statement never says I have just or only $55.If I said only or just or similar,in that case it is FALSE.Therefore, this question's answer is NOT GIVEN as we can not judge it. If you have any further questions either attend my class or email me.