Senin, 20 Agustus 2018

IELTS Ideas: Being Bored | Intro

Heelloo everyone..., kita jumpa lagi. Gimana perkembangan IELTS nya? Selama diasah, saya yakin skil IELTSnya pasti meningkat. Perlahan tapi pasti, gak apa-apa. Yang pastinya selalu ada progress.

Oia, kali ini saya akan membagikan ide-ide IELTS dengan topik "Bored-Boring". Langsung aja ya dibaca: 

1/ Do you ever get bored?
How often:
  • Quite often
  • From time to time
  • Seldom
  • Almost never
  • Never

I get bored when:
  • I do the same thing over and over again
  • I do tasks that require continuous attention
  • Something I do is too easy
  • I do nothing
  • I lack of interest to something I do
  • I can’t think of what to do
  • Can’t find things to occupy my time

2/ Do you feel more bored that when you were young?
  • I don’t think boredom is connected with age
  • I think boredom is common in all ages
  • No, I have learnt how to deal with boredom

3/ What do you do when you get bored?
Bake or cook something
Glam myself up
Read a book
Surf the net
Watch a movie
Organize my wardrobe
Go for a walk
Call my friends text my friends
Plan my next vacation
Go to beach
Declutter my place
Challenge myself in some way

4/ What things are boring to you?
Being stuck in traffic jams
Slow Wi-Fi
Train or plane delays
Being kept on hold
Filling in scan documents
Doing chores
Watching TV commercials. 

- Eddy Suaib, Pengajar IELTS English Studio Kampung Inggris Pare, Kediri, Indonesia

Selasa, 14 Agustus 2018

IELTS Idea: Space Travel | Intro

 Jika saat kamu mengikuti ujian speaking IELTS, dan tetiba si penguji menanyakan pertanyaan dengan topik Space Travel. Apakah kamu sudah menyiapkan bagaimana merespon pertanyaan yang ditanyaakan? 

Berikut saya bagikan kisi-kisi jawaban dan prediksi pertanyaan seputar topik Space Travel. Semoga bermanfaat. 

1/ Do you want to travel in the outer space?
  • I want to travel in the outer space because:
  • I love space
  • I would like to discover a new planet or living thing
  • I would like to see the starts close up
  • I’d love to float around
  • I’d love to look down on earth
  • I’d love to see some spiral galaxies
  • It would be a great experience

  • I don’t want to travel in the outer space because:
  • It can be dangerous as I might get lost or run out of oxygen
  • The amount of training I have to do before such a trip is quite big
  • I will be really scared there
  • If I had an opportunity, I:
  • Would definitely take it
  • Don’t think I would get up the nerve to take it
  • Doubt I would take it

2/ Do you think it’s necessary to see other planets?
  • To evaluate if they resources that we can make use of
  • To find new things or new ideas that will help us with science, technology and medicine
  • To see if there is any sign of life on them
  • To find out how things in our solar system work

3/ Do you like to travel by air?
I like travelling by air because it:
  • Is the safest way to travel
  • Is the fastest way to get anywhere
  • Opens up nearly an unlimited number of possibilities
  • Treats me to some great views just out the window
  • Allows me to switch off
  • Save my time

  • I am afraid of heights
  • I cant afford

- Eddy Suaib, Pengajar IELTS English Studio Kampung Inggris Pare, Kediri, Indonesia

Minggu, 12 Agustus 2018

IELTS Idea: Pets | Intro

Topik yang akan saya sharing kali ini tentang PETS. Topik ini bisa dikatakan tidak begitu sulit, dan juga tidak begitu gampang, dikarenakan orang Indonesia sudah terbiasa dengan Hewan Peliharaan. Seperti apa pertanyaan yang kira-kira akan muncul pada topik IELTS tentang PETS ? berikut saya share prediksi pertanyaan beserta ide-ide yang dapat digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini.

1/ Do you keep a pet?


Reasons to keep pets:

  • Keeping pets is a great way to improve my mood
  • They give people unconditional love and are always faithful
  • They are an antidote for loneliness
  • They are known to reduce stress and anxiety levels
  • They are excellent companions
  • They teach people how to nurture, communicate and build a trusted bond
  • They prevent boredom
  • They provide entertainment
  • They bring the attachment and fun


  •  I don’t like animals
  • I am allergic to pets with fur
  •  I often travel on business and can’t provide with necessary care

2/ What is your favorite animal?

A dog

My favorite animals are dogs because they:

  •  Are super smart
  • Are loyal
  • Are devoted
  • Are the perfect doorbell and security system
  • Make people happier
  • Make people active
  • Make people laugh
  • Love people unconditionally

A cat

I love cats because they:

  • Are cute
  • Are playful and agile
  • Are fun
  • Are easy to care for
  • Are independent

A python

I love pythons because they:

  • Are exotic
  • Are fascinating
  • Are easy to tame and handle
  • Are extremely easy to take care of
  • Don’t need very much attention from their owners

A hamster:

 I like hamsters because they:

  •  Are cute, small and fury
  • Are self-content
  • Are friendly
  • Love to be cuddled
  • Are very simple to look after

A guinea pig:

My favorite animals are guinea pigs:

  • Are very friendly
  • Are easy to care for
  • Are not destructive
  • Don’t require a lot of commitment

3/ Do you like watching animals in the zoo?

I like watching animals in the zoo because:

  • It’s a chance for me to observe wildlife I may otherwise never see
  • It’s very soothing
  • It’s a good rest for me
  • It’s enjoyable
  • It’s a perfect break from the hustle and bustle of the city
  • It’s a great way to relax and recharge batteries
  • It helps me to collect my thoughts
  • It’s a way for me to spend time in peace and silence


I don’t like watching animals in the zoo because:

  • I don’t like zoos for causing great suffering and stress to the captive animals.

4/ Is it important to let children know about animals?


It is important to let children know about the animals as animals can teach children:

  • Responsibility
  • To read body language which they can then caddy over to their human interactions as well
  • To feel empathy
  • To express feelings of love, compassion, caring and concern
  • Important social behaviors models such as respecting elders, being nice to neighbors, helping each other out and others

- Eddy Suaib, Pengajar IELTS English Studio Kampung Inggris Pare, Kediri, Indonesia

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Kamis, 09 Agustus 2018

IELTS Ideas: Best Friend | Cue Card

Beberapa peserta IELTS mengalami kesulitan menjawab pertanyaan speaking part 2. Boleh jadi mereka terkendala akan pembendaharaan kosa kata. Selain itu, ide juga berperan penting dalam menyusun jawaban. 

Dalam sesi kali ini, saya akan membagi beberapa kosa kata dan ide yang dapat digunakan pada topik Best Friend pada sesi speaking part 2 IELTS

Cue Card: Best Friend 

Describe one of your best friends:

You should say:
  • how you first met
  • how long you’ve been friends
  • what you used to do to together
  • explain why you like this person

1/ How did you first meet?

Where met:
at work/ at fitness centre/ in a swimming pool/ in a sports club/ in a locker room/ attended the same hobby classes/ in a social network/ in a chatroom/ online/ on a dating site/ during a social event/ in a book club or book store/ at a cafe or night club/ at a private party/ in a park/ during a cultural party/ at a seminar/ at  self-improvement club/ at a public speaking club/ at a singles club or event/ during a contest or tournament/ in a quest room

How became friends:
  • had to work in a team
  • once started a conversation
  • sometimes made small talk
  • once initiated a get-together
  • attended an English learning course
  • attended the same classes
  • walked dogs together for a long time
  • exchanged telephone numbers
  • we hit it off fast
  • first, I didnt like them at all, but later we became inseparable friends
  • I hated them for a good year
  • it was inevitable that we became best friends
  • we almost immediately became best friends

2/ How long have you been friends?
  • next year we’ll have been friends for X years
  • we’ve been friends for X years now
  • we’ve been friends since X

3/ What did you like to do with this person?

Play computer games/ go out/ hang out/ travel/ speak on the phone/ go shopping/ go to concerts/ go to the cinema/ go to cafes and restaurants/ play bowling/ have a small get-together/ sit around and talk/ walk in the park/ it doesnt really matter what we do as long as we are together

4/ Why is he or she your best friend?
  • be on the same wavelength
  • have a lot in common
  • be so much alike
  • enjoy my friend’s company
  • share special moments
  • laugh at the same jokes
  • trust this person
  • can always rely on my best friend
  • get problems off my chest
  • have a good time together
  • confide in this person
  • tell my friend all my secrets
  • ask for advice
  • we are always there for one another
  • will support me no matter what
  • supports when times are hard
  • insult each other in a playful way without either of use feeling offended
  • will not deliberately hurt my feelings
  • has qualities that are in short supply nowadays
  • never judges me

Salah satu topik pembahasan IELTS Speaking di program IELTS Masterclass English Studio Kampung Inggris Pare. 

- Eddy Suaib, Pengajar IELTS English Studio Kampung Inggris Pare, Kediri, Indonesia

Jumat, 03 Agustus 2018

IELTS Ideas: Meal | Follow-up

 Materi ini disampaikan pada program IELTS Masterclass English Studio Kampung Inggris Pare. Topik kali ini adalah Meal. Banyak pertanyaan yang dapat muncul dari topik ini. 

Bisa saja tim penguji IELTS akan menanyakan 'opinion questions', 'comparison questions' atau "hypothetical questions' dari topik Meal kali. Toh, apapun nanti pertanyaan yang muncul di saat ujian IELTS Anda, idea yang saya bagikan ini dapat digunakan dalam sesi praktik, sehingga Anda akan terbiasa akan topik kali ini. 

1/ What’s the difference between having meals at home and at a restaurant? 
Reasons to eat at home:
  • is cheaper 
  • is faster
  • is more nutritious and healthy
  • saves time 
  • save money
  • brings family together 
  • let’s avoid food poisoning
  • let’s control weight

Reasons to eat out:
  • they enjoy the feeling of eating food that someone else has made
  • they don’t like to clean up
  • they don’t want to spend time on grocery shopping
  • they don’t have time to cook
  • they don’t know how to cook
  • they like flexibility of choosing and eating whatever is offered on the menu
  • they love food but have no passion for cooking
  • they enjoy the outing and event of eating 
  • being at a restaurant invites people of interact with others in a social way

2/ How often do people in your country like to eat out? 
  • daily, day by day, almost every day, time and again, quite often, occasionally, from time to time, hardly ever, quite seldom, once or twice a week or a year, almost never

Why often:
People often eat out as:
  • they often have business meetings 
  • they enjoy the atmosphere of cafes and restaurants
  • they are too lazy to cook
  • they get really tired at work and have no energy to do anything at home
  • they just like it
  • they like it
  • they like a varied menu cafes and restaurants offer
  • it’s relatively cheap
  • it’s just a habit

Why seldom:
  • It’s quite expensive
  • It’s some kind of a ceremonial event
  • It’s appropriate for special occasions and celebrations
  • They prefer to save money for something more important

3/ Why do some people like to eat alone?
  • they can take their time to savor the food
  • they enjoy focusing on the dining experience
  • they can order whatever strikes their fancy without opinions or influence from fellow dinners
  • they can eat as fast or as slowly as they want
  • they can eat in any manner they want
  • they can order the most expensive dish on the menu and not feel guilty
  • they can eat with their hands
  • thay can choose how to spend their time while waiting for food, either by sitting at a table and reading a book or just gazing out the window

4/ Are there any disadvantages of eating outside?
  • it’s more expensive that eating at home
  • it costs a lot more than making food at home
  • it can be unhealthy
  • It’s typically less nutritious than eating in
  • it limits the ability to know food ingredients
  • many meals are portioned excessively
  • restaurant meals are typically higher in calories

- Eddy Suaib, Pengajar IELTS English Studio Kampung Inggris Pare, Kediri, Indonesia

Kamis, 02 Agustus 2018

IELTS Ideas: Losing things | Follow-up

Minggu ini (25 Juli-10 Agustus 2018), saya mengajar di kelas Program IELTS Masterclass C2 Band 7+ English Studio Kampung Inggris Pare. Saya menyusun materi speaking dan mendiskusikan materi ini ke peserta dengan harapan, mereka dapat menggunkan ide-ide yang disediakan pada materi speaking sehingga mereka lebih mudah mengekspresikan idenya di saat speaking real IELTS exam

Losing things

1/ Is it easy to lose something?

It is easy to lose things if people:
  • are absent-minded
  • are badly-organized
  • don’t have special places for keeping different stuff
  • don’t have a habit of putting things in their regular place
  • get caught up thinking about their problems and take eye off the ball
  • get distracted
  • have too much stuff to keep in mind or hands

2/ How can parents teach children to be organized?
  • establish household routines
  • help them learn how to use free time
  • structure their weekends
  • help them create their own schedule for studying, chores, and activities
  • help them set interim deadlines for all the tasks they have to complete
  • put them in charge of some functions
  • encourage them to post special reminders on mirrors, doors, and elsewhere

3/ Is it important for children to be organized?
It is very important for kids to be organized as organisation:
  • is a key to productivity
  • is an important aspect in play, language, social interaction, personal management and academic task performance
  • is important to develop a structured and consistent approach to tasks at all times

It is very important for kids to be organized as it will help them to:
  • be aware of time frames and materials needed for different tasks
  • be ready on time
  • complete work
It is very important for kids to be organized as it will help them NOT to:
  • have difficult packing their school bag
  • have difficulty collecting the materials needed for play activities
  • have difficulty putting multi-step tasks together (for example, construction)
  • get distracted
4/ What would you do if you lost your phone: 
If you lost a phone, I would:
  • try to hunt it down with a help of a special app
  • post information about it in social networks
  • return to the place where I last saw the phone and repeat my way to the place where I found it missing
  • infrom the police about it

Listen..., Listen..., and Listen for Better Improvements

Among 4 IELTS skills, the most challenging one is listening, as it only appears once, meaning that if you missed the information then it has gone forever since no second chance is given.

This case is above found when you sit for the real exam. However, when you are at home and want to train such skills, then I suggest doing it more than one time. You can do it again and again. I am sure every time you play back the recording and re-listen it, then you are more likely to catch something new. This can be new vocabulary and/ or new ways to pronounce the phrases, prepositions and even the articles. Therefore, this helps you improve such skill if you practice it deliberately.

IELTS Ideas: Money | Follow-up

 Alhamdulillah, akhirnya bisa juga membagi materi IELTS speaking ini via blog IELTS Kampung Inggris Pare.

Materi ini diajarkan di program Masterclass C2 Band 7+ English Studio Kampung Inggris Pare. Tepatnya pada kelas IELTS Speaking Feedback.

1/ What can parents do to teach children save money?
  • tell children what if they really want something they should wait and save to buy it
  • introduce children to saving by showing its advantages
  • tell children that it’s important to plan purchases before going shopping
  • give children some money and let them choose what to spend it on
  • explain that money doesn’t grow on trees and parents have to work to earn it.
  • teach children to keep track of their money putting down their expenses in a notebook.

2/ Why do young people tend to waste money?
  • young people tend to keep up with the fashion trend in order to attract attention, and name brands are very expensive
  • there is always competition among young people and they are to waste to be better than others.
  • to reflect their personality and express their individuality.
  • young people tend to spend money out of an emotional reason

3/ Do schools in your country teach anything about finances?
  • the ins and out finances
  • money management skills
  • how to make decisions about financial products and services
  • how investments can benefit from compounded growth
  • how to avoid debt
  • school teachers might not have the skillset to teach finance
  • there are not enough teachers who have the expertise to teach finance
  • school think that financial knowledge isn’t useful until students are ready to use it
  • school think that there are more important subjects than financial literacy.

4/ What kind of things do people like to buy in our country?
  • product that makes or saves money such as energy saving power strips, energy saving socket power timers, water filter systems portable space heaters, LED bulbs, water saving toilet valves, rain barrels, solar powered devices.
  • Products that make life healthy and comfortable such as vitamins and supplements, personal care products (cosmetics, shampoo, hair conditioners, shower gels, body moisturizers, hand washes), candles, drapery, lighting , photo frames, bed wedges, bean bad chairs, kitchen equipment (microwave ovens, dishwashers), furniture, cars.
  • Products that save time and effort such as kitchen stuff, (blenders, grinders, food choppers, cheese slicers, juicers), gadgets (smartphone, GPS unit, Personal Digital Assistants, electronic calculators, portable scanners)
  • Products that improve knowledge and develop life skills, such as books, attending seminars, coaching, IELTS online couses.

IELTS Ideas: New things | Follow-up

Hari ketiga mengajar di Program IELTS Masterclass C2 Band 7+ English Studio Kampung Inggris Pare untuk periode 25 Juli - 10 Agustus 2018. 

Awalnya saya tidak kepikiran untuk memposting hasil pencarian ide untuk IELTS speaking feedback di English Studio ini. Ingin berbagi adalah alasan utama saya kenapa akhirtnya saya pun memposting ini. Alasan kedua adalah supaya saya punya arsip materi. Hitung-hitung kalau besok dibutuhkan, tinggal ambil aja di blog ini, tanpa perlu bongkar-bongkar ini laptop :D

New things

Is it good for people to try new things?
Trying new things is good for people because it:
  • allows people to expand their minds and learn
  • helps people vanquish their fears
  • helps people retain positive emotions and minimize negative ones
  • makes people feel like they are high in the sky
  • has  a positive impact on people’s personal growth and health
  • keeps people inspired and motivated
  • gives people a fresh perspective and gets them excited
  • gives people’s soul a boost
  • broadens people’s horizons
  • feeds people’s creativity
  • boosts people’s creativity
  •  increases people’s confidence
  • helps people break out of a rut
  • helps people see value around them
  • lets people gain knowledge
  • might people discover unknown talents
  • lets people learn more about themselves

Why are some people afraid of trying new things?
  • are afraid to be outside their comfort zone
  • are afraid to fail
  • worry that the action will result in immediate pain or discomfort
  • are worried that the action will produce an intolerable immediate outcome
  • are afraid of physical or material harm
  • are afraid of changes
  • have an instinctive fear of the unknown
  • feel insecure in the face of the unknown
  • are afraid to lose something they already have
  • don’t know what it’s like
  • any changes cause stress

What help do people need when they are trying to new things?
They need
  •  trust in their ability to pull through
  • simple tips and techniques to effectively manage change-related stress
  • expert guidance
  • psychological support
  • praise even for little accomplishments

What for
  • to help them see gains from trying something new
  • to help them feel safe and secure
  • to help them deal with various feelings like threat anxiety, relief
  • to help them to overcome their fears

What are some of the difficulties a person might have when they try something new?
  • When trying something new a person might:
  •  become bored
  • make mistakes
  •  fail to do it
  • harm themselves in some way
  • get hurt
  • lose their confidence because it was not as good as they thought it would be

Do you think it’s better to have new experiences when you are young or when you are older?
It’s better to have new experiences when you are young because older people:
  • often make the conscious decision to stop learning even though they may not realize it
  • have come to believe that they are too old to learn something new
  •  no longer need to master new skills to survive
  • get tired of learning
  • feel they have already had all experiences they need
  •  have physical changes such as reduced visions and hearing ability which in turn have an effect on their ability to learn and master new skills.
  •  Need more time to learn new things

Minggu, 11 Juni 2017

Ini dia tips dan trik Menulis Writing Task 1 Map

Kemarin tanggal 2 Juni 2017 di kelas IELTS Modular English Studio, saya dan para peserta membahas Writing Task 1 Map. Agar kamu dapat menyelesaikan penulisan Map ini dengan cepat dan akurat, lakukan 2 langkah ini:

1. Kamu cukup memfokuskan pada perubahan yang nampak pada Map.
2. Gunakan deskripsi paragraf dan kelompokkan objek-objek tadi berdasarkan tahun yang ada.

Berikut contoh esai writing task 1 yang kami selesaikan di kelas Modular kemarin.

The development of a coastal area of Brightsea chronologically from the past condition to the recent one and the blueprint of its future design is presented in the diagram. Those maps are compared based on the changes made
With regard to business centre, café and shop has replaced fishermen’s cottages in the north east of the map. In the planned development, these two business assets are predicted to be demolished, and therefore restaurant will be built while supermarket will be established in the east of Lighthouse. Again, the north-east development is forecast to construct some apartments and another development is the hotel in southeast of the coastal zone which will be extended to the east.
Turning into the public service, people visiting this place can park their car next to supermarket as the planned development. There will be a sailing club around the area of the hotel, and the south west area, people will see a Ferry Wharf with Telecommunication Antenna, while there are no changes in the main road in the east of the map. 
Kamu juga dapat membaca contoh tulisan saya dengan topik yang sama. Skor esai ini band 7.5 versi testbig :
The ongoing development of a coastal belt of Brightsea from the 1950s onwards appears in the map.
Before the commercial purpose could take place in 1950 onwards, the Brightsea’s local government started to build a house for lighthouse keepers and a lighthouse, which was under constant close surveillance day and night. Also, there were few cottages of fishmongers down to the small detail with a jetty.
A more detailed look at the map shows that in today’s development the cottages and the house of lighthouse keepers have been demolished. This may be because the central activity in the Brightsea area takes place in the commercial purpose, where can be clearly seen from the map that a hotel, café and shop are built into the zone, while a ferry terminal and a main road for commuters have also presented recently. Surprisingly, several years further on, there will be telecommunication antennae in the peripheral zone of the ferry terminal. Again, the shop is reversed into a large supermarket with valet parking for visitors. In the northern part of this coastal belt, the development will consist of a family residence and restaurant, which was used as a cafeteria.
What can be drawn from the map of the coastal belt of Brightsea? Fast forward now to the 1950s the development has dramatically changed. While the lighthouse is the constant landmark, there seems likely that the ferry wharf will have a more significant change.
Ok guys, pembahasan sesi Writing IELTS Task 1 Map cukup sampai di sini. Sampai jumpa lagi pada postingan tips dan trik IELTS lainnya.

Jika butuh guru private IELTS, silahkan kontak di nomor 0813-1033-6583 atau 0813-1818-6060