Selasa, 24 November 2015

Second Strategy in Reading IELTS: Paragraph Focus

The second strategy that you can apply in reading section is having “paragraph focus”. What is meant by paragraph focus here is that you are expected to get the right paragraph to get the answer. You will be able to save your time if you jump straight to the paragraph. So, what you need to do are as follow.
  1. Read the first sentence in the paragraph
  2. Have a general idea about what each paragraph will be about
  3. Try to determine which paragraph have the answer
  4. Remember what you have learned from the first sentence
  5. Go to the paragraph of which the answer is discussed.
For example, the first paragraph is about gasoline. Meanwhile, the second paragraph is about kerosene. If the question is about gasoline, then you have to search for the answer in the first paragraph.

The main idea of a passage is typically spread across all or most of its paragraphs. The main idea of a paragraph might be completely different from the main idea of the next paragraphs.

For example, in the question “What is the main idea of the passage?”
You should pay attention on how many paragraphs are related. It will help you to count how many paragraphs that are affected by the choice. Plus, you will also be able to know how many sentences are affected by each choice.

More than likely, there will be some answer choices which include some incorrect choices. There is a tendency for meeting some main ideas which are actually main idea of certain paragraphs, not the entire passage. Choosing the answer without thinking about this consideration will be a fatal step for you. This condition shows that it is very important to choose ideas that are supported by most of the paragraphs.

Reference: IELTS Secrets, copyright 2002 by MO Media