People said that if you want to sign up for students
exchange or want to study abroad; you have to pass your IELTS English-language
exam first and so do when you have to get the validation for your emigration
process. It is one of the many requirements you have to go through. And if you
get good scores on the exam, it is also very good for you because you would
have greater chances as emigrants and also as international student candidates
because the institutions will certainly look over the results of your IELTS so
it would also be a certain consideration for them.
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Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013
Sample Test for IELTS
exam news
Mengajar IELTS sejak 2010 dan mendirikan "English Studio Indonesia" di 2014
Senin, 11 Maret 2013
“Pocket Tips” for Writing IELTS
One week before the D-day of your IELTS exam test,
you should think that you have already learned all you need to Ace the IELTS
test. What is left for you is to keep practice and repeat all so that you will
never forget it on the test day.
Mengajar IELTS sejak 2010 dan mendirikan "English Studio Indonesia" di 2014
3 Topics for an IELTS Essay: Argument, Hidden Argument, Situation | Part 2
If you want to walk out of the IELTS exam room
with a huge smile on your face, keep these: follow
the rules, keep the right structure, use some “advanced” and “smart” vocabularies,
and practice. This article is the last part of the series 3 Topics for Essay Writing IELTS: Argument,
Hidden Argument, Situation. And we will talk about Situation type in this
Mengajar IELTS sejak 2010 dan mendirikan "English Studio Indonesia" di 2014
3 Topics for an IELTS Essay: Argument, Hidden Argument, Situation | Part 1
IELTS writing task 2 is essay writing: you do not have to be a writer to write a good essay. This task may look more difficult that the writing task 1. Follow the rules, keep the right structure, use some “advanced” and “smart” vocabularies, and practice! This way you can create such beautiful essay in roughly 40 minutes! In this series we will talk about the 3 different topics for IELTS Writing according to Simone Braverman from his book Ace the IELTS.
There are 3 topics on essay IELTS, let’s call them A, H, S.
1. Argument
For example: Modern society benefits greatly from computer technology. However, becoming more dependent on computer has its disadvantages. Discuss threats of computers.
Here the 2 sides of argument a re the advantages and disadvantages of computers.
In this type of topic, you need to explore pros, contras, and the reasons, and you have to support one side only. Here is the sample of structure for this type of topic.
Introduction: Clearly state the both sides of the argument. Do not copy from instruction, write it in other words.
Body : Write at least 2 paragraphs. Write the first paragraph to tell about the side you disagree with. The side you agree should be written in last body paragraph.
Conclusion: Write the summary of the points you made.
2. Hidden Argument
These topics usually ask “To what extent...?” or “How has something change…?” For example: “To what extent should television participate in our children’s education?”
What they really ask here is whether the television should educate the children or not.
The structure for this topic is similar with Argument type. What is slightly different is in the Introduction part. The introduction part must reveal the hidden argument by defining the question. Rewrite the topic, for instance, from “To what extent should television participate in our children’s education?” into “Does television participate in our children’s education?”
After that, write the structure similar to Argument type above. The next part of this series will talk about the last type of topic, that is situation type and about general suggestion on how to write them.
Reference: Ace the IELTS (Simon Braverman)
There are 3 topics on essay IELTS, let’s call them A, H, S.
1. Argument
For example: Modern society benefits greatly from computer technology. However, becoming more dependent on computer has its disadvantages. Discuss threats of computers.
Here the 2 sides of argument a re the advantages and disadvantages of computers.
In this type of topic, you need to explore pros, contras, and the reasons, and you have to support one side only. Here is the sample of structure for this type of topic.
Introduction: Clearly state the both sides of the argument. Do not copy from instruction, write it in other words.
Body : Write at least 2 paragraphs. Write the first paragraph to tell about the side you disagree with. The side you agree should be written in last body paragraph.
Conclusion: Write the summary of the points you made.
2. Hidden Argument
These topics usually ask “To what extent...?” or “How has something change…?” For example: “To what extent should television participate in our children’s education?”
What they really ask here is whether the television should educate the children or not.
The structure for this topic is similar with Argument type. What is slightly different is in the Introduction part. The introduction part must reveal the hidden argument by defining the question. Rewrite the topic, for instance, from “To what extent should television participate in our children’s education?” into “Does television participate in our children’s education?”
After that, write the structure similar to Argument type above. The next part of this series will talk about the last type of topic, that is situation type and about general suggestion on how to write them.
Reference: Ace the IELTS (Simon Braverman)
Mengajar IELTS sejak 2010 dan mendirikan "English Studio Indonesia" di 2014
Minggu, 10 Maret 2013
Menulis Esai IELTS? Gunakan 4C ini
yang bertanya apa cara sukses menulis esai. Sesungguhnya jawabannya
hanya satu, ‘banyak berlatih, banyak bimbingan, dan banyak kesabaran.’
Tetapi, bagaimana caranya berlatih dengan benar? Ikuti cara 4C. wah,
apalagi itu, ya?
Mengajar IELTS sejak 2010 dan mendirikan "English Studio Indonesia" di 2014
Penjelasan Tentang IELTS General Writing
sesi writing dalam tes IELTS General, yang dinilai adalah kemampuan
anda untuk berkomunikasi tentang hal-hal umum, isu-isu sederhana, dan
pembahasan tentang topik yang anda sukai. Anda mungkin akan diminta
untuk menyampaikan juga informasi bukti-bukti dari pernyataan anda,
memberikan saran, mengungkapkan kesukaan atau ketidaksukaan anda, atau
keberatan anda, pendapat atau pandangan anda.
Mengajar IELTS sejak 2010 dan mendirikan "English Studio Indonesia" di 2014
IELTS General Writing Module (Pahami dengan baik)
Writing Task 2 anda akan menerima sebuah topik dan anda akan diminta
untuk menulis sebuah essai terdiri dari 250 kata. Tugas ini memiliki
bobot yang lebih berat ketimbang Writing task 1. Tes ini juga
membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama – 40 menit, sedangkan Writing task 1
hanya memerlukan waktu 20 menit.
Mengajar IELTS sejak 2010 dan mendirikan "English Studio Indonesia" di 2014
Frase yang Berguna dalam tes IELTS Area Writing (General)
melengkapi tugas menulis surat pada tes IELTS area writing dalam waktu
20 menit, akan sangat membantu jika anda mengetahui beberapa frase dan
ekspresi yang biasa digunakan. Dengan dapat menggunakan kata-kata dan
ekspresi ini anda dapat mengemukakan ide anda dengan cepat dan efektif,
tanpa memikirkan setiap dan seluruh kata. Sambil anda mempelajari
arti-artinya anda juga harus memastikan bahwa anda telah mencatat
spelling dari setiap kata dengan sempurna. Berikut ini daftar beberapa kata dan ekspesi tersebut:
Mengajar IELTS sejak 2010 dan mendirikan "English Studio Indonesia" di 2014
IELTS Academic Writing Module 1
Berikut adalah yang perlu anda ketahui tentang tes Writing Task 1 IELTS Akademik. Tugas
anda adalah menjelaskan suatu grafik ke dalam sebuah laporan.
Laporannya ditujukan pada dosen sebuah universitas, maka bahasa yang
anda gunakan haruslah sesuai.
Mengajar IELTS sejak 2010 dan mendirikan "English Studio Indonesia" di 2014
Kesalahan Umum IELTS Writing
yang telah diketahui, ada 2 tugas, Writing Task 1 dan Task 2, dan baik
dalam modul Academic maupun General Training Task 1 lebih pendek (150
kata) ketimbang task 2 (250 kata). Sejauh ini tidak menjadi masalah,
namun kita akan masuk pada hal yang penting.
Mengajar IELTS sejak 2010 dan mendirikan "English Studio Indonesia" di 2014
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