Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

Common English Questions: Drunk or Drunken ?

What is the differences between Drunk and Drunken ?
This is one of the common English question that are frequently asked by student. So here are the solution.

IELTS Examiner Talk about IELTS Speaking

Ordinary IELTS preparation courses may wouldn't tell you what IELTS examiners' perspective on Speaking and Writing sections. The fact is the Examiners are prohibited to reveal the exact scoring criteria. But some insight about what an examiner is looking for may be useful for the test takers. In this article we’ll explore the speaking test in the eyes of the examiners.

Which is Better for Me? IELTS or TOEFL ?

So now you have some understanding of TOEFL and IELTS in this article from the content of the test. We will add some differences on the other things related to those two popular English proficiency test.

Essay Sample with Corrections.

This is not me who gives correction. I take it from the reference. But I think this is good and you may find something useful in this correction.

IELTS: Facts that Many People Don't Know

There are many aspects in IELTS that people find surprising, usually when it hits them hard. It is quite a paradox – the information is right there, available to everyone, yet people are still in the dark. Allow me to draw your attention to several facts you don’t want to be surprised about.

How to Work out with Unfamiliar Vocabulary

When you try read to some passages in IELTS, you might deal with some unfamiliar vocabulary. Actually, you may not need to understand the meaning of an unknown word, unless there is a question which is related to it. Remember that there are some strategies that you can apply when you get this kind of difficulty. So, there is no need to be panic on this situation. Check on the following helpful strategies to help you.

How Grammar is Marked in IELTS

Yes. You cannot deny the fact that grammar surely is important in your next IELTS test, especially in writing section. Feel desperate? Oh please no need to. In order to work on improving your IELTS grammar, it is useful to understand how it is marked.

Modul Akademik Reading

Modul Academic Reading sedikit berbeda dari General Training – hanya memiliki 3 wacana yang tingkat kesulitannya lebih tinggi. Sesungguhnya, wacana pertama biasanya yang termudah lalu kemudian menjadi lebih dan lebih sulit. Karena itu, berikut beberapa tips:

IELTS History : The Beginning

It is appropriate that, before we take the IELTS test, we have to know the progress of the test itself. Also history of IELTS. That's because, in addition to increasing public knowledge, we will also understand our purpose to follow the test.

Kamis, 21 Februari 2013

Salah Satu Tehnik Baca Cepat: SQ3R

Anda tentu penasaran dengan judul artikel ini. Membaca sebuah bab dengan benar membutuhkan banyak waktu dari yang mungkin anda habiskan sekarang, namun cobalah metode SQ3R ini. Perlahan-lahan tambahkan sistem ini pada cara belajar anda. Bersabar dan beri waktu 2 minggu agar metode ini dapat membuat perbedaan. Awalnya, anda akan memerlukan banyak waktu menerapkannya.